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"Take care of him, alright Kakashi?"

The little boy gurgled and smiled at his mother who smiled back.

"Of course, Akira. Just be careful. We don't want him to be motherless." The silver-haired man said to the younger one.

She laughed and smiled, her lilac eyes shining.

"I'll be off now! Make sure to behave, sweetie..." she said giving her son a kiss on his cheek, making him giggle.

She grinned at the two, she walked away waving.


She woke up and looked around, she was at her house with the same clothes she was wearing the day before.

Shrugging it off, she sat up and went to take a shower.


"Hey, I'm back!" I greeted the genins.

Naruto grinned widely, "Akira-san!!!"

Sakura smiled and Sasuke grunted in acknowledgment.

"Why were you with Inoichi-sama and Obito?" Kakashi asked.

I pouted, "You aren't even gonna say 'Good morning'?"

"Ohayo." he said with a nod "Now answer my question?"

I lightly smiled and shook my head, "I'm sorry, that information is classified."

An ANBU appeared behind me, "Kim-sama, Lord Hokage has requested your presence in his office."

I raised an eyebrow, "Now?"

He nodded making me sigh.

"Smell ya guys later!" I called to my team before teleporting away.

"You called for me Ho-" I cut myself off when I saw Inoichi and Obito...

"Oh..." I said.

"Inoichi has given me your files. We have decided to look through your memories, and he requested both mine and Obito's presence." Lord Third said.

I bit my lip before nodding.

Would they learn I'm from an alternate universe?


"Are you sure we should do this? I don't think she's comfortable about this..." Obito said.

"It's for the best. If we could find this man, we could help her. Show her she's safe. That you're not him. And she'll know you're not a threat." Hiruzen said.

Obito's concerned gaze shifted to the girl who was with Inoichi preparing to go into her mind.

"I can't help but feel I had sonething to do with as to why she's like this..." he said.

Hiruzen put a hand on his shoulder, "She said it herself. The man looked like you, but he wasn't you."

Obito nodded but couldn't shake off the feeling.

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