Chapter 4

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Sophia POV

The next day

I woke up and saw Connor sleeping in the chair beside my bed. I decided to wake him up knowing he had to work today. I poked him in the arm. He eventually woke up and looked at me.

"Why did you poke me " He said half asleep

"Because you were asleep and you have work soon so I thought I would wake you up now so you go home and get ready" I said

"What about you " He said

"I will be fine " I said

"If your sure " He said

"Yes now go " I said

Connor left and about 10 minutes later a nurse came in with breakfast which was a bowl of porridge and it looked disgusting. After she left it there Will came in to check on me.

"How are you feeling this morning " Will asked

"Feeling fine when can I leave" I said

"Already trying to leave. We still have to do a few more test but you should be okay to leave in few days now why don't you eat your breakfast" Will said

"I think I will pass on it " I said

"Why " He said

"Well no offense but that looks disgusting I hate porridge " I said

"You have to eat come on " Will said

"Nope " I said

Then Jay knocked on the door with a bag in his hand.

"Hey what are you doing here " I said

"Well I thought I would stop by and bring you something to eat hospital food is the worse" Jay said

"Thank god she was refusing to eat. I will leave you two alone " Will said

Jay handed me a bag I opened it and smiled at him.

"4 Chocolate muffins my favorite how did you know" I asked

"Well I am a detective for a reason." Jay said

I gave him a look

"I also asked Connor " He said

"Connor knows me so well." I said

We heard talking outside and then my door opened in walked my Father and Sister along with Maggie.

"Look Mr Rhodes you can't just barge into someone room" Maggie said

"My father would like to see his daughter " Claire said

I rolled my eyes

"Sophia how are you " He said

"What are you doing here" I said

"Dad wanted to make sure you were okay " Claire said

"Well I am fine you go now" I said

"We are going to have to talk about this job that nearly killed you" He said

I looked at Jay and than my father and Claire

"First of there is nothing to talk about my job is what I do best and getting shot is a hazard of my job but I would not change it for the world. " I said getting angry and stressed

"Look Mr Rhodes this is not good for Sophia getting stress it not going to help her recovery " Jay said

"This has nothing to do with you" Claire said

"Leave him alone Claire. I make a difference with my job same with Connor. Just leave me alone " I said not wanting to yell any more

"Looks like you never lost you immaturity while you were gone " Claire said

Will came in.

"Will can you please get them out of here " I said

"You heard her Come on out now please." Will said

"You can't do that to my father he just wants to be for his daughter " Claire said

"My priority is my patient so you both can leave now or I can get you both escorted out" Will said

The both left and Jay and Will looked at me.

"You okay" Jay asked

"Will please don't let them come back here " I said

"Of course I am going to Connor know okay" Will said

"Thank you " I said

"Now please get some rest" Will said

"I will" I said

Will left and I looked at Jay.

"Thank you for defending me " I said

"It's no problem " He said

"Don't you have work " I said noticing the time

"I do but I really don't want to leave you " Jay said holding my hand

"I will be fine I am going to probably sleep any way" I said

"I will check on you later okay" He said and kissed my cheek.

"Bye" I said

He left my room and settled back into my bed and fell asleep.

Hey I am so sorry it took so long for me to update. I hope I haven't let anyone down. If guys like it please vote and comment.

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