Chapter 3 : Jihoon's Heart

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~ Seungcheol's POV ~
In the restroom
Jihoon : Guys! What is it?
Soonyoung crossed his hands.
Soonyoung : Answer us. Do you like Y/N or not?
Jihoon : What?
Soonyoung : Answer. Us.
Jihoon shyly looked down and played with his fingers while blushing. I saw Soonyoung's eyes soften.
Soonyoung : Was that a... Yes?
Jihoon : Yes...
I started screaming while covering my mouth.
Seungcheol : Oh my god! Jihoon's in love! With my little sister! I can't wait to tell her everything!
Jihoon : No!
Soonyoung : Why not?
Jihoon : Because, I'm afraid she'll hate me instead.
Seungcheol : Don't worry. We'll get you two together. Here's the plan.
We told him the plan. After we finished, his face lit up.
Jihoon : Really?
Seungcheol : Yeah. That way, you can express your feelings to her every day.
Soonyoung : So, are you in?
Jihoon : Can I trust you two with the plan? Because I'm kinda worried about this.
Soonyoung : What do you mean?
Jihoon : Well, will Seungcheol tell Y/N about this?
Seungcheol : Hey. I made this plan in order for you and my little sister to be
together dramatically.
Jihoon : Fine. I trust you.
Seungcheol : Oh, also, don't write your name on the letter.
Jihoon : What? Why?
Soonyoung : To make it fun, she's gonna have to figure it out the sender herself.
Jihoon : Oh... Okay.
~ Jihoon's POV ~
I went to my locker. The next class was Chemistry. As I was grabbing my book, someone approached me.
??? : Hello, nerd.
I turned and saw Taeyong. His hands were clenched into fists and he angrily looked at me.
Jihoon : Um... Hi...
Taeyong : You better stay away from Y/N!
Jihoon : Why?
Taeyong : Because I'm the one she likes!
Jihoon : Are you sure?
Taeyong : Duh!
He grabbed my collar.
Taeyong : So stay away from her.
Suddenly, Y/N appeared.
Y/N : Taeyong oppa. Stop.
Taeyong : Y/N.
He dropped me and walked to her for a hug.
Taeyong : My darling Y/N, how are you?
Y/N : Stop it.
She untangled Taeyong and smashed him to the ground.
Taeyong : Ow.
Y/N : You really think you could mess with me?
Taeyong : I'm not messing with you.
Y/N : You always were! Now stay away from me and him. I've learned judo, kendo, karate, and many other stuff!
Taeyong : Grr... I'll be back for you!
He ran off. She approached me and looked at me sweetly.
Y/N : Are you okay oppa?
Jihoon : Ow... I think...
She stared at my wrist.
Y/N : I think you twisted your wrist. Hang on.
She grabbed a first aid kit from her locker. She then treated my wrist gently.
Jihoon : You know what you're doing right?
Y/N : Yup. I visit the school nurse a lot. She taught me everything I know.
Jihoon : Is there anything you don't know?
Y/N : Mmm... Maybe some.
Jihoon : Aren't you late for class?
Y/N : It's fine oppa. I'm the student council president, so I have permission to skip classes. There we go.
I looked at my wrist. It was treated and bandaged neatly. She looked at me, smiled warmly, and did the most shocking thing. She kissed my bandaged wrist. So, I'm pretty sure I'm blushing.
Y/N : You're lucky it's your left wrist.
She put the first aid kit in her locker and helped me up.
Y/N : C'mon. Let's go to your class. Chemistry, right?
She handed me my book that fell down earlier. I grabbed the book from her.
Jihoon : Thank you...
Y/N : ( smiles )
We walked to my class. When we arrived at the lab, she knocked on the door. When we opened it, everyone was staring at us. I noticed boys drooling.
Teacher : You're late. Jihoon.
Y/N : Excuse me, miss. But Jihoon oppa got into an accident earlier. So he was treated. Is it okay to let him off?
Teacher : Very well. Jihoon take a seat.
Y/N : Thank you, miss.
Y/N left the class. I took a seat beetween Seungcheol and Soonyoung. Once I sat, they were flowing with questions.
Soonyoung : What happened?
Jihoon : Y/N helped me.
Seungcheol : Ooh... The plan's going great.
Jihoon : Yes. I suppose.

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