Chapter 6 : I Can't Wait

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~ Taeyong's POV ~
The next morning, I caught Jihoon sticking a letter on Y/N's locker. Is he really the one? I grabbed the letter and read it. The words were beautiful. Way too beautiful that a jerk like him wouldn't write something like that. I tore the paper and hid it on top of my locker.
~ Jihoon's POV ~
I went to class and found Seungcheol and Soonyoung staring at me.
Jihoon : ... What's up?
Soonyoung : You forgot to write a letter did you?
Jihoon : What are you talking about? I wrote a letter.
Seungcheol : Y/N told me she got no letters.
Jihoon : I did write.
Seungcheol : Then why'd she say she got no letters?
Jihoon : But I- Taeyong.
Soonyoung : What're you talking about?
Jihoon : I guess Taeyong hid the letter.
Seungcheol : Right. I forgot about him.
Soonyoung : Let's go look.
We rushed to the locker room and found Y/N walking through the halls. She saw us looking a little worried.
Y/N : Anneyong oppa. Is something wrong?
Jihoon: Aniya. Everything's fine.
Y/N : Really?
Jihoon : Ne.
Y/N : Okay.
She then left. I sighed in relief.
Soonyoung : Um... Jihoon? Is this your letter?
I ran to Soonyoung and found my letter ripped into pieces.
Jihoon : Oh my gosh. What do I do?! I spent the whole night on this letter! What do I do?!
Seungcheol : Jihoon, calm down. We can fix this. All we need is time. Were having Chemistry after this right? The 3 of us sit together in Chemistry. We can work on the letter while were at it.
Jihoon : Seungcheol! You're a genius! That's a great idea!
Seungcheol : Kamsa.
I grabbed a sheet of paper, an envelope, and a multicoloured pen.
Soonyoung : Hurry! Class is almost starting!
We rushed to class.
Teacher : Good morning class, today.....
I put the letter back together and rewrite the letter on the piece of paper. After the class was finished, I finished.
Jihoon : ( sticks envelope ) And... Done.
Teacher : That's it for today. Class dismissed.
I rushed out of the class and immediately stuck the letter on Y/N's locker.
Jihoon : Phew!
Seungcheol : Oh. You managed. Great.
Y/N then came.
Seungcheol : Anneyong Y/N!
Y/N : Anneyong~
She grabbed the letter.
Y/N : Jihoon oppa, Soonyoung oppa, Seungcheol oppa.
Soonyoung : Ne?
Y/N : I'm having bowling practice with the bowling club this weekend. Wanna come?
Jihoon : Sure. Why not?
Soonyoung : We'll all come.
Y/N : Yeah, see. That's the thing.
Jihoon : What?
Y/N : I'm the captain. My friends, Wendy, Tzuyu, and Eunha are there. There will also be 13 other boys. Taeyong is one of them.
Jihoon : Say what?!
Y/N : You don't mind right? I'll make sure he won't bother you.
Jihoon : Um... Sure.
Y/N : I'll introduce you to the other 10 boys. I'm sure you guys will get along well. They're in your grade.
Soonyoung : Okie.
Y/N : Bye.
Seungcheol : Bye.
She ran off. I can't wait for this weekend.
~ Y/N's POV ~
I ran to class. In class, I opened the letter.

Dear Choi Y/N,

You're so pretty. I'm sorry if  I make you feel uncomfortable with my letters. I hope we can hang out together once you find out who I am. Tell you what. Prom is 3 weeks away, right? At prom, you're gonna be prom queen, believe me. You're gonna be ask to do a speech. In the speech, tell the audience about the letters and ask who is it. I'm sure you won't regret it. Then, I'll do a special performance just for you. Look forwards to it.

Your secret admirer

I smiled reading the letter. I sure hope I won't regret it. I'm just afraid if it's Taeyong. I hope not.

~ Note from author ~
Wowie. Sorry for not posting in a while. So... Yeah... Basically, I post when I want to. I'll try to post often. I said I'll try...

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