Chapter 4 : Y/N's Secret Admirer

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~ Jihoon's POV ~
The next morning, I woke up early and headed straight to my desk. I took a sheet of paper, a pen, and an envelope.
Jihoon : Dear Y/N. Umm...
I mean, I'm great at writting songs. But not letters.
Jihoon : I guess I'll need to write it the same way I write a song.
I wrote the letter and after sealing it, I did my morning routine and went to school. When I arrived, no one was there. I quickly ran to my locker and took some tape. Then, I stuck the letter at Y/N's locker.
After 5 minutes, it was 07.00. I saw Y/N walking to her locker while Seungcheol was teasing her. When they arrived at her locker, I greeted them.
Jihoon : Anneyong.
Seungcheol & Y/N : Anneyong.
Y/N : How's your wrist?
She lifted my hand and looked at it carefully.
Y/N : All better.
She unwrapped the bandage.
Jihoon : Thanks.
Y/N : No problem. Just be careful next time.
Jihoon : Okay.
I then saw Y/N grab the letter and opened it.
~ Y/N's POV ~
I found a letter on my locker and read it. Here's what it said :

Dear Choi Y/N,

This is my first time writting a letter to you. If you ever found out who sent this, just say so if you think I suck. You're so pretty, Y/N. Every morning, I drink a glass of water while admitting to myself you're pretty. You helped me and also I wanna thank you for that. When you helped me, it feels like paradise. I really hope we can be together forever.

Your secret admirer

Wow! Secret admirer? Oh wait. Don't tell me it's Taeyong. I mean, I helped Taeyong once. If only I knew. I showed Seungcheol oppa.
Y/N : ( Show letter to Seungcheol ) Oppa. Look.
Seungcheol : Oh. Who could that be?
Y/N : What if it's Taeyong?
Seungcheol : Why'd you think it's Taeyong?
Y/N : Not that I think it's Taeyong. But I'm just scared if it's Taeyong.
Seungcheol : Why?
Y/N : Because... I'd like to date the person who sent this to me.
Seungcheol oppa smiled at me.
Seungcheol : Choi Y/N, I'm looking forwards to your new boyfriend.
Y/N : Ne, oppa.
~ Jihoon's POV ~
Wow. She wants to date whoever sent the letter. Choi Y/N, I'm looking forwards to it.

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