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You stare at the place you will call home for a while.

You slowly make a few steps towards the building and enter.

Your mom already prepared everything...
Where you'll stay.. where you'll go to school.

How long was she preparing for this?

You enter the building to see a stairway, you look up at it and with caution slowly start walking up the steps.
The place you will be staying at was on the third floor. While you were walking you eyes meet a man, but you quickly look back down. For some reason he had caught your attention. Your gaze follows him as he walks past you.
But then for some reason he stopped, and looked back at you. You quickly looked away and quickly started walking off.

"I hope he didn't notice me staring at him" you mutter under your breath.

~Stranger's POV~

I locked the door to my apartment, and started walking down the stairs. But then my eyes met a girls, but she quickly looked back down. I continued walking down the steps when I felt someone's gaze on me. I turned around and sure enough she was staring at me. But she quickly started walking off.

"Wait could she be-" I mutter under my breath.

I shook my head and continued going down the steps.

~End of Strangers POV~

"Hmm... this is it"

You slid the key into the door lock, and turn the knob. Too see... well a regular apartment.
It was actually quite nice. You locked the door behind you, and entered the place. Your eyes wandered around the place. You start stepping into the kitchen and place your hand on the the counter top.

"If only I knew how to cook.."

You explore around the place a little more, but you finally plop yourself onto the couch. You grab the envelope and hold it firmly. You begin to open it, to see cash and what seems to be a letter. You took out the cash to see ten thousand dollars.

"I wonder how she made this cash without...    him knowing"

You take out the letter, but are afraid to open it. Your hands begin to shake but you get enough courage to open the letter. Once you open it your moms hand writing is revealed. You begin to tear up just at the sight of your mothers hand writing. You begin to read the letter...

"Dear Y/N...  if your reading this, then I was able to find a safe place for you.
You don't have to worry about your step dad anymore...
Y/N I only want your life to be filled with happiness..
and leaving is the best way.
You worry to much.. but please. Please don't worry about me. I'll be fine.
Wherever your story's goes, I hope your life is only filled with happiness.
Know that I'm always watching over you..
I love you.

To my beautiful daughter Y/N
From mom

Tears formed on your eyes and gently fall down onto the paper, making soft noises.

"Mom... I love you"

A few hours pass by and you open your eyes. You fell asleep.
You slowly move into a sitting position.
You rub your eyes and yawn, you begin to look around.

" oh yea..   I'm not there anymore"

You get on your feet and make your way to the kitchen. You open the fridge to see that it's empty.
You sigh.
You grab your bag, open the door and start heading out.

You look around the area to see if there's somewhere you could get a quick bite. As you look around, someone catches your eye. It's the same guy again... the guy from the stairwell. He starts walking into what seems to be the cafe. You follow him only to be greeted by a delightful smell. You look around to see bread and other types of sweets, but only one thing catches your eyes.

It has been so long since you tasted the sweet warmth of brownies. You walk up to the cashier, she looks at you with a smile.

"Umm... hi can I get a brownie please"

She smiled at you, and grabbed a brownie and placed it on a plate. She looks back up at you.

"That will be six dollars please"

"Oh um sure"

You hands enter your bag, they shuffle around but there's nothing inside. You look inside only to see that it's empty.
You sigh.
You forget to bring the cash.


And without another word you quietly left the place. You slowly start walking back to your apartment. You were about the walk into the door when a voice interrupted you.

"Excuse me..."

You looked behind you, to see the man again. He has in his hands what seems to be a paper bag. He throws the paper bag to you, and you manage to catch it.

"It's not good to eat sweets this late a night"

He goes past you and opens the door and begins walking in. You open the paper bag to see a brownie...

"How did he know I wan-"

You looked behind you and quickly started following him up the steps. You manage to catch up with him, he heard a your steps so he looked back at you.

"Umm.... thank you"
You bow. You look back up at him.

"I-I'll pay you back"

A smile crossed onto his lips.

"It's fine... welcome, I guess we'll be neighbors from now"

"Neighbors" you mutter under your breath.

You looked back up and parted your lips to say something else but he already entered his apartment.
You sigh.
You entered your apartment and closed the door.
You sat onto the couch and began to eat the brownie. It was very delicious, but all you could think about was the man's kindness.

Yea umm...
it's obviously not Park Jimin
*wink wink*
*hint hint*

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