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It has been a few days since you've settled into.... your new home. The man that showed you his kindness that night, wouldn't leave your thoughts. No one ever has done that for you.
It may be such a small deed to do, but it filled you with joy.
You would see the man occasionally, but there were no words spoken between the two of you, only a few stolen glances.
But the few seconds that you would see him... he always had this aura circling around him... he looked like he had a lot of warmth and joy within him. Even at the distance you could feel his happiness.
He was...
the total opposite of yourself.

But anyways.. today is the first day of school for you. You didn't have the uniform though so you had to go in the office and ask for one. Luckily they gave you one, the only problem is...
the skirt is to short. You pushed it down trying to make it a little longer but even still... you could still plainly see the old memories you wish to forget. So you quietly asked the lady if they had any leggings or stockings. She shook her head.

"Sorry dear"

You sighed.

"Do you have any bandaids"

The lady looked around a little before handing you a pack of bandaids. You grab them from her hands.

"Thank you"

You quietly slipped back into the bathroom..
And began placing the bandaids all over your scars and bruises.

"Imma have to buy some stockings" you whisper to yourself.

You look into the mirror, before you leave. It looks sorta funny but it will have to for now. You unlocked the door and quietly left the office. You hoped that there wouldn't be any students in the halls, but of course there were. You tried to be quick, so the students wouldn't be able to see you or at least get a clear image of you.

You finally arrive in front of your class door, your afraid of what will happen once you open this door. But still, you stir up enough courage and place your hand gently onto the knob and turn it. Once you opened the door, a bunch of eyes landed on you. You begin taking small steps into the classroom. The teacher looks over your way.

"Aw yes, we have a new student today"
She says while looking at the class, but looks straight back at you.

"Introduce yourself please"

You nod your head, and look at the class. All those eyes watching you somewhat terrified you, but you still managed to speak.

"H-hi I'm um Y/N, it's nice to meet all of you"

You bow, and look back up to the class. You look over to your teacher, and wait for her to tell you where to sit.

"Thank you Y/N... let's see. You can sit over there... next to Jihun"

You look over to the direction where the teachers eyes were, to see a boy. You made steps toward the seat and sat down, but while you were sitting down you felt a pair of eyes on you, so you look next to you and Jihun was staring at you. But he quickly looked in the opposite direction.
Jihun would glance at you pretty often, but then the lunch bell rang. You rise up from your seat.

"Finally" you say under your breath.

You start running to the cafeteria.

~Jihun's POV~

Today is another boring day. Wake up go to school, go back home and then go to sleep. That's my routine every single day. My thoughts got interrupted when a girl suddenly came through the door.

Alone ||BTS Jimin fanfic||Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat