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He turned to look at you with his eyes red and puffy. He bit his lip and looked down at the floor.
Y/N... why won't you-
remember me... was I not important enough.. that you were able to just throw me in the back of your mind..
I looked back at Y/N, she was still at the same spot, she hadn't moved a muscle.
She looked at me when I spoke.
"I-". I swallowed. I don't know what to say.. I was at a loss of words. I slowly got up from my current position. I looked up at her... Y/N.. I hope you'll remember me... I want you to remember me.... please..
She opened her mouth and said ever so quietly.. "Jimin...I- thank you... I don't know why you care about me so much..." she said. She turned to her apartment door and quietly went inside, leaving me alone. I stared at the floor... drowning in my own thoughts.

You open your eyes sightly and stare at your ceiling, you turn over to your side, hugging your pillow. You sigh. You rise from your bed glancing over at the clock.. "3 am". You placed your feet onto the floor and pushed your body up, making you stand. You put on a sweater and a pair of jeans. You decided to get some fresh air, you didn't leave the apartment duplex however. You weren't stupid enough to go wondering the streets, especially at this time. So you just stood on the rooftop, staring down at the streets. A few people would pass now and again. You looked up at the sky, scanning every single tiny sparkle in the sky. You took a deep breath, and stared down at the city lights. Jimin why do you want me to trust you... w-why do you care..
I can't talk to you.. y-you won't like me
Tears began forming in your eyes, but you quickly wiped them away. You looked one last time at the sky, before going back.

You rested you head on the desk. You didn't sleep that long last night,
You couldn't.
You just kept on replaying the scene from yesterday. Thinking about Jimin's words. Did he mean them?? Or are they lies... you closed your eyes. And drifted into sleep...

Y/N.... don't you... remember me"

You look around to find your self in a endless white space.. you ran around trying to find the end.. until a boy appeared before you eyes..
he looked familiar...
"Y/N... don't you remember me" he said as he tilted his head.
"I-I don't know" you said looking down at the boy. The boy looked down...
"I'm sorry" you said making the boy look back up at you". He shook his head and smiled.
"It's okay" he said as he smiled with his eyes. Everything then began to fade, along with the boy. "W-wait" you said trying to grab a hold of the boy. But he just slipped through your fingers..

You open your eyes... and your eyes dart around the room. You were in your classroom still, but everyone left... you grab your bag and start running down the hallway. That boy.... was a lot like...
A image of Jimin appeared in your mind. You slowed down your pace until you made a complete stop.
Who are you...


Nah you already know, it's just Y/N don't quite know yet..
She still figuring it out..



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