Two birds (part 1)

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One day, there were two birds chirping,
With the dog at the back barking.
There was the girl who had too much for a night, burping.
Two scavengers looking through the garbage, doing much night-searching.
But the two birds were too blind to notice any of the distractions.
However, the evil were still planing their actions.

A golden light was coming very soon,
little did they know that they were morphing-- a blossom of love oozing in the air.
Much more then their wings held tightly in each embrace;

they were so into each other's conversation, so into each other's eyes, that they didn't notice the deadly dew on the grass,
nor did they notice the vicious violent wind that was coming towards to them,
nor did they notice that their lives were going to be drifted apart.

They were two stupid birds who were too blind to notice anything but each other,
They were two birds who were too blind to notice anything but their love (for each other)

Suddenly, one of the duo got hurt,
And so the other hit the dirt.
Now they were no more of a pair,
And soon enough their bubble was in despair.
The mirror that reflected their promises got fractured,
The chain was now captured:
Snapped in half.
The spell gave out an un golden laugh.
Their love was now just a crumpled draft,
But this was no sign of witchcraft,
Or a jealous one's craft.

The chain was never found,
Oh, gosh, when did they ever frown?
Because now their love is no more new,
Their stories have now been mentioned a few.
One moment they were lovers,
But now her cry hangs and hovers.
The male now spilt open,
And the young female is now broken...

Now you hear the youth gossiping,
Didn't you hear about the blossoming —
Of the two that are no longer together?
But seemed to have lost a lot of feathers!

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