Goodbye, feelings

16 3 6

Even when you're here with me, I still miss you...
because I know every second that we have together on this planet can never be restored back...
So that's why I count the stars.
But I can never count enough...

Yeah, I'm crazy...
But obsessed.

And if I bite my tongue any longer,
I will not be able to hold it in.
Not for longer, anyway...
you can't cage your emotions after all...

It will bite me back for caging it for so long... but I have to...
I have no choice...
I can't run my tears any longer...

not for you, anyway...

It wouldn't make sense...
so I have to hold it in instead...
Besides, you already said your intake.

I can't change that.

I don't want it to change, anyway...
I have to forget about it...
but I can't...
but I will.
I have to...

For I have no choice.

It wasn't meant to be...

Therefore, as of today,
I drop my feelings for you...

into the water...

goodbye feelings.

Love wasn't made to be broken after all...

The Truth Behind Words [Dark Poems ONLY]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz