Preface (second part)

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This book is 15+ ONLY. However, please, please DO NOT read this book if you know that you're sensitive to serious issues. Some of the topics may cause triggering responses and may affect your HPA axis (how your body responds to fight or flight) or it could lead to visual images. However, my books are not too keen on the imagery, but the emotive language.

Nothing in this book is incredibly explicit — meaning, that it's not gory. You may feel like crying from sad poems, but no descriptions of blood, bones breaking, etc will be used.

Swear words may be used in some poems.

If there are any mentions of goriness — although, there really shouldn't — please do not hesitate to message me through pm/dm.

The following themes will be highlighted in these poems.

Abuse — sexual, physical, emotional, psychological and domestic abuse in households.

War — old wars such as WWI/II or wars going on now (which link to PTSD)

Mental disorders — depression, eating disorders (such as bulimia and anorexia), PTSD (this is a separate category down below), schizophrenia, social anxiety, etc

PTSD —school shootings, terrorist attacks, suicide bombers, psychiatric hospitals, gun violence, drugs, alcohol, rape, burning houses and car-crashes.

Suicide — as horrible as it sounds, there will be ambiguous hints on this.

Genocide — some in the PTSD category and psychopath, sociopath and serial killers.

Phobias — it's a bit of a wide-scale; it depends on each individual. However, the phobia of death or death of a loved one will be mentioned.

Other triggering —bullying (verbal, physical, cyber, etc) and people stabbing you in the back.

I'll give you a breather now.

If you are/ have been affected by any of these and are incredibly sensitive to these topics (and there could be more, but those are the main ones), please, please don't try risk reading this.

Helplines will be published later on in the book when this poetry book comes to an end. Suggestions on how to recover will also be at the back of the book. Articles, blogs will be there too.

I'm always here if you need to talk about anything. Although, I don't force people to tell me stuff. However, as a sufferer from mental health disorders, such as depression and anxiety, I could be some help in a way...

Also, remember that poems are free for you to explore with. Feel free to write your annotations or suggestions. By the way, some poems are extremely ambiguous, therefore I have made some notes in bold about what the poem is about.

Another point to add, please be respectful to each other's opinions and judgments. Everyone is different.

Do not put someone down or say something horrible regarding any of these issues. It is recorded that everyone at one point in their life will suffer from a mental health issue. It may not be long-lasting like depression, but some way or another, mental health issues will affect us.

Do not go— and I've had someone say this to me before — 'oh, I go through more than you, you're fine — you have no reason to be depressed all the time.' It is incredibly rude to say that to someone — in fact, if I was a leader of a nation, I'd put a law that sends people into jail for saying that. It sounds harsh, I know, but it shows you have no lack of respect, you only care about your own issues and you think you're the most important. I understand that some people can go through more than others or some may have gone through rape, whereas someone could only just go through depression. However, mental disorders are NOT caused by the problems — it's caused on how your BRAIN RESPONDS TO THOSE PROBLEMS. Some people may have people insult them everyday, and not get bothered, whereas some people will count it as bullying (because it is) and get depressed about it. But you've got to remember, everyone responds to things differently. Nobody is perfect. We all get sad, we all get angry, we all get jealous, etc. We're humans after all. Just don't let your own personal issues cause you to put someone down because they are supposedly 'healthier mentally stabled people'

It's not nice to judge people without knowing them. Someone that may appear popular and pretty in school may suffer from sexual abuse at home. We don't know...

Therefore, it's important — and I know, it's hard. I find it hard sometimes— not to judge people... because everybody has closed doors and secrets.

Even bullies have mental health issues. I've been bullied — heck, I still do get bullied. Most bullies suffer from depression. In fact, most bullies bully people because they are jealous of you or have been bullied in the past.

I remember on Instagram — I got seriously cyber bullied on there — for putting comments on people I adored's pictures, like, 'omg, you're so pretty,' or 'You're amazing. I love you 💞' I had haters come up to me saying, "why are you lying? This is person is clearly disabled. They're some ugly cunt.' And it breaks my heart to see comments like this. We live in a world where if you have a mental disorder, learning disability or physical disability, you're most likely to get judged by people.

I had a private conversation with this random stranger — who popped up asking if I was gay because I had commented a nice comment on a girl's picture. They judged me, even though they didn't know me, but rather than me turning around and saying, 'go kill yourself' or 'go fuck yourself', I just asked if she was ok (mentally) because most bullies suffer from depression. That girl broke down into tears and said, "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to start on you. I'm just depressed and I can't control how I talk to people."

I can promise you, everyone who is reading this has been close to bullying or to bullying someone in their life. Something such as spreading rumours, or sitting far away from someone because you don't like them, is BULLYING. Most bullies don't even realise that they are bullying someone. I've been in that dilemma before and I still do go through it because there are many people I know who spread rumours about me, and it takes all my might to not try and get them back or start on them. I don't like bullying people, so I try to avoid judging people, so that I don't become one.

Bullies, in the long run, are people who judge other people either because they are jealous, they've been bullied before, they don't like you and they suffer from depression and other abuses at home. So, at the end of the day, we are all bullies to each other.

In other words, everyone is a victim, and nobody is a bully.

Yes, I sound judgemental to everyone reading this, but you can understand my view point, right?

Bullying is complex and very, very difficult to try to stop. There are many people who say stop bullying, when really we should be saying — "do bullies need help?" The victim, of course, is important, but the bully also needs help.

It's hard to have mercy on people when you're getting bullied or abused by them. To forgive someone is the hardest thing a human being can do. When you forgive, you have to learn to accept what that person has done to impact your life and you have to learn to forget it.

Imagine this. Your child has been murdered in a school shooting, and the killer is someone from their class, it's going to take you a hella long time to forgive that person.

However, we have to learn to forgive, we have to learn to have mercy on each other.

This is my moral opinion — and no one has the right to tell me I'm wrong, but you can oppose to my points like in a debate/counter argument.


Please, continue to read on with the book if you're comfortable with the conditions that are going to be presented in this book.

Thank you for reading.

- Deborah x

Here's another breather.


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