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walking into the local bar, i dodged around a group of drunk people and took a seat at the bar. i sighed, looking around, wondering what i was doing sitting at a bar alone on a sunday night while in my early twenties. "can i get you anything?" the bartender asked me. i ordered a vodka soda, and as the man was making the drink, i turned to the person to my right.

she was a young woman who looked to be about my age. she had tan, ethnic skin and dark curls that framed her face down to her shoulders. i smiled at her and turn back to the bartender, paying for the beverage. she absentmindedly stired the straw in her cosmopolitan, clearly alone as well. "hey," i said. 

"hey," she greeted back, swiveling in her bar stool to face me. "you live around here?" she asked. "yeah, i live on campus," i replied. "do you go to usc?" i asked, squeezing the lime into my drink. she shrugged. "it's a long story." "i've got awhile," i prodded, needing an entertainment source anyways and a way to distract myself from the assignments i was avoiding. she sighed.

"well, my parents kinda kicked me out, and i moved here as more of an act of defiance. i'm not really doing the whole college thing, so why waste the money? i didn't bother buying the books, and i found an apartment that was cheaper than paying for the dorms. i'm basically just waiting it out." i nodded slightly, to show i was listening. "what about you? do you go here?"

"yeah," i responded. "my answers slightly more simple than yours," i laughed. she chuckled, taking a drink. "i'm majoring in psychology. what is your 'major'?" i asked, putting air quotes around the word major. 

"my documents say modern art and culture. i thought it would be interesting, and it was pretty amusing when i told my parents that's what i was majoring in." we talked some more, and she seemed like a pretty cool person. she was funny but seemed like she had a good heart under all of the sarcasm and bitterness. 

"i never caught your name," i said. "liza," she responded. "and you?" "gabbie." we fell silent for a second, both of us sipping our alcoholic drinks. an awkward silence settled until she glanced over with the straw in her mouth, and i was looking awkwardly back. we both started laughing, and i had to work not to spit out the drink. conversation picked up from there, and it felt so lighthearted. i felt at ease talking with her.

we seemed to bond well together, and i was interested in being her friend outside of this random bar we both happened to be at. "well, unlike you, my friend, i have a class to catch tomorrow. i'm not entirely sure why i went drinking on a sunday anyways," i said, standing up from my stool. she stood up as well.

"hey, ya gotta live while you can," she said, smiling. "it was nice talking to you." "yeah, we should totally hang out some time. let me put my number in your phone," i said, holding out my hand. she seemed hesitant but reluctantly pulled out her phone. we traded devices, and i made a separate contact. handing it back, i smiled, saying, "see you around, liza." "maybe i'll see you, too, gabbie," she grinned, raising her eyebrows. i waved slightly and made my way back to my dorm room. 

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