• Chapter 1 •

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When you're scared as a child, scared of that monster in the corner of your room or under your bed. That one day it'll come out and get you.
You just have to be brave enough to give in, not all monsters will give up the fight like in fairy tales. Especially when that monster, is you.


"Will this work?" Sirius asked, his dark locks hiding his freshly tanned skin, the elderly woman smiled ominously, "Do not v'orry señor Black. Your child will be fine. Lay her on the table by the pentegram please." Sirius nodded, laying a sickly looking Audrey onto the table covered in candles and magical artefacts; her pale features popped out as she progressively began to scream.

The mud hut they were in shook like it was about to collapse in on itself.
"We have no more time- sisters-"
Many more women flooded into the small hut, circling the young girl. Sirius' eyes darted around anxiously as they began to chant, "Hoc geniti forent pelli daemonium puer sicut puer luminis illius renovare. Producat in lucem illam- Hoc geniti forent pelli daemonium puer sicut puer luminis illius renovare. Producat in lucem illam- Hoc geniti forent pelli daemonium puer sicut puer luminis illius renovare-" from a screaming, panting mess, Audrey's eyes opened ruby red. Silent and unmoving.

Snatching at one if the witches arms in the circle surrounding her, she hissed, "Notis quam virtus pretium. Omnia tenebris lucem tenere. Non potui occidere te qui canitis!!" She slowly absorbed the magic from the witch, grinning sinisterly, Sirius knew he must intervene. "Audrey! Hey! Hey Hey, snowflake!" He whispered, cuddling her as she released the witch from her grip. The witches lower arm was now moldy and drained of colour, Audrey looked to Sirius, blind to what had happened "Paddy, what's happening-"
"It's ok, Snowflake I'm here... Hey wait! Aren't you going to help her?!"
"I'm sorry señor Black- there are just some evils that we can't destroy."

"I did it again didn't I?"


Summer was nearly over, the newly reinstated Order of the Phoenix was charged with making sure that Audrey stayed alive. There'd been several instances where she'd begged Sirius to let her starve or worse, the succubus power seemed to be shrowding the once bright and bubbly girl. When she walks in a room, everyone is silent for minutes on end, even the Weasley twins; whose whole family has been looking after headquarters over the summer.
Audrey's 'room' was as Sirius put it, "The cleanest room in the house" since it belonged to his brother, and yes: the headquarters for the order is the Black family home. Audrey never really needed the bedroom, she pretended she slept in there to make others feel like she was okay.
Truthfully she hadn't slept since she and Sirius had gotten back from their inpromt trip across the globe, taking souvenirs from Africa, Norway, Ireland, Moscow, Egypt and Mexico... However, the trips were actually to help Audrey bind her succubus abilities, as they'd caused mass destruction wherever they went. It always started with a high and ended with somebody hurt at her hands, Sirius was afraid she would lose all humanity if it happened again... Or worse.

"She becomes less and less stable by the day Dumbledore, why won't you let her bind them? They could literally be the death of her!" Sirius barked at his former teacher, Dumbledore simply stood, not phased by Sirius' anger, "I regret to inform you Sirius but we cannot afford to bind Ms Dursley's abilities- they might be the only thing that could stop Voldemort"
"What about Harry hm? What about my godson? Or were you just teaching him to get himself killed for good?"
"Both Harry and Audrey hold the power to stop him before he takes over the world, but for now they're simply not ready" as Sirius marched towards the door, Dumbledore caught his attention with a single name, "Remember your beloved Quinzel Evans?" He stopped. The tears threatening to fall down his face, "Of course I do! I was her Fiancé!!"
"Then wouldn't it be her wishes to keep her daughter alive?" Dumbledore asked rhetorically. Molly Weasley waddled to Sirius, her soft hand touching his shoulder reassuringly, "It's in everyone's best interests Sirius, including that young girl sitting upstairs wishing she could be happy again." Sirius sighed, turning to face the order with tears in his dark eyes, "Alright, fine. But know this, as long as she suffers- it's on your conscious Dumbledore" he said jogging upstairs. "I'm afraid so Mr Black."

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