• Chapter 4 •

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Sometimes the demons that you want to keep out have already found their way in...


The Great Hall was a light with candles, the Huffelpuff table had a great view at the welcoming feast as new students were brought in and sorted into each humble house. Audrey held a fake smile to her lips, but she knew people would be able to see through it; she wasn't trying to hide the fact she'd changed because she knew they'd all find out sooner or later. Most of them already did, considering after the final task last year, as her hands had glowed to the extent they became flares in the night sky.
Liza looked over nervously, before Dumbledore began his welcoming speech, "Welcome, welcome to another year at Hogwarts. Now firstly I would like to address that Care of magical creatures will be taken over by Professor Grubblyplank while Professor Hagrid is absent, I would also like to welcome the newest member of our staff: Professor Umbridge-" Audrey recognised her instantly, her blood boiled as her eyes landed on the ugly toad-like face, "She was at the hearing... She works for the Minster..."
"- I'm sure that Professor Umbridge will-"
"Ahemhem" she stood from her chair, walking up to the headmaster. "Thank you Headmaster, for those kind words of welcome. And how lovely it is to see all your bright shiny faces smiling up at me" nobody was smiling, "It is the Ministry's belief that progress for the sake of progress must be discouraged, let us preserve what must be preserved and prune practices that ought to be prohibited. Hem hem!"

Nobody seemed particularly amazed by Professor Umbridge's speech, not even the Huffelpuffs. Audrey couldn't help but glare intensely at the toad faced woman, the twins didn't seem pleased either, "I don't think this year will be particularly pleasant with her as a teacher"
"Roshy, for once I agree with you" Liza added.
"I agree with you too. I have a bad feeling about her, and more times than not, I'm right." The girls watched as the unnerving professor shuffled back to her seat as though she was sitting on a throne, her smile was so unnatural it made Audrey shudder.


Harry's lifeless body lay before her, his brilliant green eyes lost their sparkle as he died. Feeling for the ground beneath her, a liquid substance touched against her palms, "What the-"
Blood. Pools of it, surrounding her and Harry. Shakily standing up, an ocean of blood mixed with bodies of loved ones; each quivering and slowly dying.

"This is what will happen if you don't obey me, child" his voice echoed in the emptiness of her mind. A dark door stood alone to all of this massacre, Audrey felt drawn to it, her footsteps like a ticking bomb; "Opennnn itttttttt..."
"Do it-"
"Reach for the-"
"OPEN THE DOOR!" The voices collided in such a way, Audrey felt the ground shaking beneath her. Panting frantically, she could barely form words, "Get... I don't... won't..." The nightmare version of her appeared, bending to her level smirking maliciously, "You know what you must do you fool." It reached to caress her face, but Audrey felt a surge of anger and strength that caused her to slap it's hand away, "GET OUT OF MY HEAD! WAKE UP! AUDREY WAKE UP!"

Everything was silent in the dormitories, her friends were all fast asleep in bed, she didn't know what to do other than get up and do something. Brushing her teeth, washing and getting dressed, she looked at herself through drooping eyelids, this could easily be the worst night she'd had all school year and it was only the first day back. Grabbing her bag, she rushed out of the common room into the kitchens, "Hello miss Audrey- hiccup!"
"Winky, have you been drinking again?"
"Hiccup! Maybe...You are early miss. Breakfast hasn't-"
"Thank you, Winky. I know. Could you quickly whip me up some toast and then I'll be off?"
"Yes miss- hiccup!" Winky squeaked, "I'll have the toast ready in a moment."

Dursley's Pain | The Dursley series #3 |जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें