• Chapter 9 •

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Death is the next greatest adventure...



Never. In his whole life had he ran like lighting, not to embrace his quidditch team for winning the house cup or to celebrate Hermione's return to health. Never. Had so many students and teachers all joined together in racing for her body, against all Umbridge's threats of detention or sacking. Never. Did they expect to see the once bubbly, bright and pure Audrey distorted and dead on the Hogwarts cobblestone.

Her sweet ice orbs, glossed over, like a mirror. Harry stroked her silver, matted hair out of her beautiful face, his tears stained her hollow cheeks; he lay with her for a long time, taking both Sprout and Hooch to pry him from her cold body. Hermione, Liza and Ginny cried with most of the girls and Rodney, whom hid himself in Neville's embrace, Ron and the Malfoy boys stood still for what felt like a millennia.

Dumbledore was the first to speak over Harry's cries of agony, "My dear students, please vacate the area immediately"
"Hem! Hem!" Everyone swivelled at the toad woman's snide expression, "Dumbledore... I'm afraid that-that your teaching and care for this school has clearly run dry" pointing out Audrey's lifeless body. Seething rage bubbled within the crowd, especially from Harry, "It was you that caused this! You drove her to this state- to suicide!" Harry had leaped at the woman, almost pouncing on her if he hadn't had been stopped by several teaching staff; "Detention Mr Potter, for insinuating I played a part in Ms Dursley's untimely death" she announced sinisterly, "I will make sure this never happens again."


Bright lights awakened her from her slumber, Audrey awoke in her dream world: a plane of white emptiness. "Cassandra?!" She swivelled around, almost immediately recognising the voice from her dreams, "Mum!" They embraced for the first time, never wanting to let each other go, "Wait- you're young still! It's not your time!"
"No it is! I protected my family! I want to be here with you!" Quinn's soft brown eyes watered, "Well too bad, because I need you to carry on- Cassie wake up!"
"Mum don't you know how much pain I've caused? I don't want to leave you here, alone" Audrey cried into her mother's arms, Quinn took her hand smiling, "Honey, I'm never alone."

Taking her mother's hand was like a step into another world entirely, they'd appeared in a firefly-lit garden, unrecognisable faces moving in and out of a cobble brick mansion completely covered in ivy and lavenders; "Lily and James are here, my old friend Marlene, my parents, my original family. You see honey, I'm not alone. I live here peacefully, knowing you are happy"
"I'm-I'm" her voice faltered as she fell into her mother's arms again, "I'm not happy without you mummy. I need my real mummy! I need you desperately! Don't make me leave here!" Quinn caressed her daughters hair gingerly, looking over to Lily and nodding in agreement. Kneeling to her daughter's level she smiled softly, "I'll tell you what? How about you stay here with us? Then, make up your mind about staying?" Audrey couldn't hold back her smile as she wrapped her arms eagerly around her mother.

"Let's get you home."


Months had flown by, the empty nights of nothingness and early days of preparing for a battle they didn't want to fight soared passed them like the mighty eagle.

It was a sweet, warm morning, sunlight poured into the Gryffindor boys room, although Harry felt cold and dead inside; Ron knocked on the door, already dressed in his black suit. "Are you nearly ready mate?" He knew Harry would never be ready, but he'd known he needed his best friend right now, "I guess. I'll be out in a minute"
"Before we go, Liza told me to give you this..." He croaked, handing Harry a picture of him and her with their friends by the Black Lake being probably the happiest they'd ever been. Harry sniffled as the salty water fell from his tear ducts, Ron held Harry with his arm for a while, trying not to cry too.

Dursley's Pain | The Dursley series #3 |Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora