• Chapter 6 •

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Am I my mother's daughter?
Please, someone prove me wrong
Addicted to disaster
It only lasts so long


Madame Promfrey was mortified when she heard Hagrid bounding through the Hospital Wing doors, McGonagall on his tail, holding a sickly looking Audrey.

Laying her gingerly onto the hospital bed, Pomfrey began examining the girl haphazardly; her eyes fell to the child's limp arms, "I've never seen her like this before- where was she?!"
"The Forbidden Forrest- Centuar territ'ry. I didn't think anything o' it until I 'eard them flockin her" Hagrid panted, bringing a large cloth to his eyes. "Minerva, is there anything else I must know?" McGonagall's usually tight bun was distressed and her face was pure fright, "There was remanence of a spell, but this wasn't a wizarding spell-"
"Succubus spell I'm assuming?"
"Yes- Poppy her arms-"
"You know what is means as well as I" she sighed, laying the girl under a blanket; "We have to trust Albus' decisions, as much as we hate to watch this... we just have to help her as best as we can." Poppy touched the scars across the girls arms, noticing strange patterns but did not wish to look anymore.

Nobody knew what was happening in Audrey's head at that very moment.

Nobody knew that as soon as she collapsed she was greeted by a white noise that only her banshee abilities allowed her to hear, the sound of the dead hissing and mumbling words of pain and anguish. Clutching her head she watched and heard and felt her surroundings shake with vigour as the voices grew louder and louder. Dashing at the speed of light, she kept running and running and running. She didn't care where. As long as she could escape the voices, but to no avail, the voices formed figurines of waxy faces of people she knew and thought she knew... Recognisable as Harry, Sirius, Remus, Ron, Hermione, Ginny, Neville and a blonde girl hung in the air in frozen images; all sporting blood, bruises and in some cases, missing chunks of skin, shaking Audrey to her core.

Her lungs couldn't take the scream that escaped her as the voices ceased, feeling her blood rushing to the surface of her skin. A sharp pain ran through her as she felt something break in her body. A feeling like flying engulfed her senses, her dark hair had returned, whipping at her vision till she was shrouded in inky black. Her voice did not allow her to call for help. She just kept falling... and falling... and falling.



All her senses flooded forth from her body, she lifted her arms to shield from the moonlight. Hospital wing. Of course, 'Any more trips here and I'll have to become a permanent residence' she thought, wincing in pain; her lungs aches and her back tingled, but she knew it was only a nightmare vision designed to frighten herself.

Flashes of what she'd done appeared and disappeared within seconds, the power inside her clawed and begged to be released and maul Umbridge for nearly sacking her defenceless teacher- but she fought against it, her own deep, dark desires.

She knew by now, the hair enchantment had worn off, but she didn't care. A new development forming at the bottom half of her black locks, streaks of silver. It was like she'd taken polyjuice potion in a slow motion. Taking a pair of scissors to her lengthy hair, she cut out the silver; no matter how much she cut, it kept appearing. Eventually she gave up on the thought of looking like she once did, a icy grey eyed, wavy ginger haired, carefree girl; she wondered, 'What would my mother say about this? About everything?' Cuddling herself, she reminded herself that she'd never feel her mother's embrace or love, because she was dead. And Audrey wanted to join her. To join James and Lily. To join Cedric.

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