• Chapter 3 •

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You would think that in a modern world, people were all equal and never discriminated. Treated differently because of what or who they are.

A world like that requires change. Change that only the discriminators bring...


Minutes later, Harry strode in sitting in one of the chairs the Lestranges sat in when they watched Dumbledore's pensive, the room began to buzz with conversation; quickly silence by the Minister. "Disciplinary hearing on the twentieth of August, into offences committed by Harry James Potter of number four, Private Drive, Little Whinging Surrey. Cornelius Oswald Fudge residing Minister for Magic-"
"Witness for the defence" Dumbledore glided in causing Harry to burst into a smile, "Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore"
"You got our message that the time and place of the hearing had been changed yes?"
"I must've missed it. But by coincidence, I arrived at the Ministry three hours early" Fudge was taken aback for a moment. "Charges?"
"The charges are as follows that he did knowingly in the illegality of his actions, produce a patronus charm, in the presence of a muggle. Do you deny producing said patronus?"
"Are you aware you shouldn't be doing magic outside school, while under the age of seventeen?"
"Yes but-"
"Witches and wizards of the wizangamont-"
"He only did it because of the Dementors!" Audrey piped, her control decreasing as she lost her temper. "Please, let him speak..."
"Dementors? In Little Whinging?" Asked one judge, "Ah, that's quite clever. Muggles can't see Dementors can they boy? Quite convenient"
"It's true. There were two of them and if I had-"
"Enough! I'm sure we've intrupted a well rehearsed story, but since we can produce no witnesses of the event-"
"Pardon me, Minister. It just so happens, we can." Dumbledore brought in one of Audrey's favourite people from private drive; Mrs Figg who apparently was a Squib, meaning she was born into a wizard family but can't do magic, had decided to testify Harry's case.

They proceeded to discuss the attack, Audrey was beginning to wander why she was here until, "Maybe the tribrid over there used it's powers to set the Dementors on the boys, Minister?" Said a high pitched woman; at this both Dumbledore's and Harry's eyes snapped towards the woman, "In the matter of Ms Dursley, she is as much a witch as any other. But I'm sure you wouldn't care to understand"
"The law states that a half breed of any kind-"
"I wouldn't finish that sentence, mam." Heads turned towards the young girl, striding up to the woman against the barrier, "I did not chose to be like this so, if you took a second to stop acting like it's the medieval times then maybe half breeds like me could have equal rights-" as she spoke the flames lighting the room began to flicker, Dumbledore pulled her back before she could say anymore. "See Minister? This... thing can't control her abilities. She must be locked away as to not harm the wizarding community"
"That will not be happening" Dumbledore proclaimed, shocking the Minister, "Ms Dursley will be within my guidance as long as I am Headmaster of Hogwarts"
"Those in favour of both convictions?" Said the kinder of the judges, Fudge and the evil woman raised their hands. "Those in favour of clearing the accused of all charges?" Many of the hands rose at this notion, the Minister said displeasingly, "Cleared of all charges."

Harry watched disheartendedly as his cousin was flocked away with the school headmaster before he could even say, "Audrey."


"You almost lost control in there Audrey, you need to remember to control your emotions" Dumbledore whispered hoarsely as they left the Ministry. Audrey sighed impatiently, "How would you like it if someone referred to you as a 'half-breed of any kind', like anyone who isn't purely wizard isn't equal- it's like the blood purity situation with medieval thinkers" Dumbledore half-listened to what the young girl was saying as he swiftly appeared to Grimmauld Place; Sirius of course was the first to greet them, "Is Harry on his way back?" Sirius said in a monotone, Dumbledore nodded, "Thank you, Professor Dumbledore. Good afternoon." As the wispy bearded man swivelled out, Audrey and Sirius glanced at each other seriously, "You've lost your sense of fun Paddy."

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