[M] Our Little Game

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"For the umpteenth time, Sehun; I really don't care?!" Jongin sighed and fell back on the mattress covering his face with one of Sehun's pillows, his white t-shirt stretching over his torso.

"Come on! Now it's the good part! Don't stop me, you have to listen!" Sehun whined as he repeatedly did 360° turn arounds with his chair, trying to force the other to hear his exciting events from 3 weeks ago.

He really looked cute like this, in his oversized, mustard turtleneck and gray shorts, his black curls waving with every spin of his chair.

Despite that, Jongin groaned and shot up resting on his elbows, squinting his eyes in annoyance. "Sehun! You've literally blabbered about this more times than I can count! Yes, it's great, Chanyeol finally noticed you, good job. BUT YOU BARELY TALK TO EACH OTHER NOW?! How are you still so happy about something that happened over three weeks ago when there's nothing but distance building up between you two instead of progress?" Jongin judged him.

Sehun's room fell silent. He took his time to register his best friend's words. "Look, it's indeed true that he's been acting weird, but it's not like we don't talk at all. There's just tension, that's all. Other than that, we talk normally" Sehun shrugged and nodded, his own words convincing him that everything was fine and would get even better eventually. He continued spinning his chair happily.

Yes, he was that dense. Or maybe naive would suit him better.

"You've gotta be kidding me..." Jongin took a deep breath and rubbed his temples with his forefingers, trying to keep calm and not snap at his careless friend.

"What was that? I can't hear you Jongi-"


Sehun stopped his meaningless spinning and brought his hands together, placing them on the gap between his slightly spread thighs. He pouted lowering his head.

"I can hear you now... Don't shout..."

Jongin raised a brow and stared at him in disbelief and genuine irritation as he sat up across the other. How could Sehun manage to make him look like the bad guy here with that pout of his when all he was trying to do was help him out with his stupid problem? Not that Sehun regarded it as a problem in the first place.

"Dude. All I'm saying is that you've been talking to me about this for days now and I'm quite tired of the same record all over again. Especially since there's nothing to add up, nothing new at least, 'cause you always find some sauce to spice things up with your unique storytelling. No offence".

"None taken"

"Shut up, I'm not done talking"


"So, my point is...I know I'm your best friend and all, but I can't have you talking to me about your sex life almost every day. It's tiring, really. Imagine having to listen to me talking about Kyungsoo every day, about the same event. Annoying, right?"

"But you do that anyway?"

"I WASN'T DONE TALKING. And that's another thing" Jongin cleared his throat, aware that his example was off.

"Let me get to my point-"

"Jongin, are you jealous?"

The tanned man's eyes widened as he looked over to Sehun. The younger stared back at him unfazed, scanning Jongin's surprised features and inching closer with his chair.

" You asked me if I find it annoying when you talk about Kyungsoo? Well, yes, it is annoying sometimes, it makes me jealous actually, the way you talk about the things you do to him and not me. So are you jealous too?" Sehun was blunt and the tone of his voice didn't match the meaning of his words. He was spurting out everything the same way he would tell Jongin that he smelled after practice, as if there was no sexual tension lingering on his current words. He didn't expect that his honesty would fluster Jongin that much.

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