[M] Bad Toys & Bad Games

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[earlier that day]

Sehun knew Chanyeol's routine, he knew his hyung would go by the gym today. They were always going together after all, excluding the past month. Of course he would go too. Sehun was desperately trying to catch the elder's attention, especially since the latter always made sure to ignore him.

The rational thing to do was to talk to Chanyeol, right? But no. Sehun deemed it better to stalk him and "find the right chance" to talk to him, as he likes to say. Of course. It's not that he's a coward, not at all. Pff.

So that's how he found himself along with Minseok, going to the gym where Chanyeol, Baekhyun and Jongdae also are.

Minseok was quick to join the others as his beloved sub-group mates where there as well, but Sehun tried his best with all his aegyo power to beg him to stay with him, for no good reason apparently.

But who was Minseok to say no to that pout. Even though he never really fell for Sehun's stupid tricks, he could tell that something was going on. Because, to begin with, why the hell would Sehun ask him to accompany him to gym when Chanyeol was going there too? Weren't they supposed to go together, like they always do? Being the good hyung he is, he decided to let it slip this once. He could catch up with Jongdae and Baekhyun later.

Though, Sehun's forgetting a major factor here. This isn't healthy. And no, not because stalking his band mate is bad, but because he's doing it while Park fucking Chanyeol is wearing nothing but a tank top and short sweatpants. Chanyeol's freaking masculine arms and toned legs are on full display for Sehun to melt at, and damn. Why should Chanyeol sweat so much? Because Sehun was always making fun of him for sweating so easily, but now his tank top is sticking on his abs and Sehun feels like wetting himself right there and then.

Damn it, he thought as he kept staring at the tall male, his own lips parted as the sight in front of him made him slightly drool. But good thing he noticed just in time, no one likes a creepy maknae.

Especially one with a bulge poking out of their sweatpants because of a particular hot hyung being present. Like, screw that, Chanyeol wasn't even trying.

"Uh...I don't want to be that kind of person, but you should really do something about this Sehun" Minseok shook Sehun back to reality. He was gonna be the good hyung here. Sehun was having an obvious hard-on and Minseok wanted to spare the eyes of any unfortunate souls that could fall victims to Sehun's straining bulge. Not everyone's gay, you see.

Oh shit! The younger realized right away what Minseok meant (which is surprising considering that it usually takes him a while to process what others are saying) and quickly put on his hooded oversized jacket (not his anyway, Chanyeol was still kind enough to share his clothes with the lovely brat). He was beyond embarrassed that Minseok caught him off guard like this, he knew the latter would tease him about this later.

"Sorry hyung, I'll just- I'll go settle it, I'm sorry, I'm really sorry! Just" He grabbed his backpack fast and threw it over his shoulder. "Just go to the others like you wanted, okay? Thanks for putting up with me, I'll make sure to make it up to you!" He quickly said with that cute lisp of his and left in a hurry.

He was quickly pacing through the corridor of their dorms, head lowered and blushed, still completely embarrassed from before and still very hard. And as if this wasn't enough, Kyungsoo had the great timing of walking across him on the other end of the corridor. Pardon his rudeness, but he had to avoid Kyungsoo at all costs, even if the latter would glare daggers at him later for ignoring him. But Sehun was having a rather painful erection that wouldn't go down no matter what. He wasn't even trying properly in all honesty if his lingering fantasies of Chanyeol publicly fucking him on the exercising mat in the gym was of any indication.

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