Chapter 6 - The Child, the Woman, the Dragon, and the Lion

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I don't know how I know, but it all started with the child leaving. Who was the child and where did the child go? I don't know.

The woman was left by herself, distraught and afraid. For her own protection, she makes a deal with Death itself. How I wish I can tell her to trust in the rock, the cornerstone! But it's too late. The woman will be tested and refined.

The world is given what it wanted, separation...but from who?

The dragon takes flight to its place of authority over the earth.

The dragon knows that this is now his time, but how much time does he have? He starts first by going after the woman, but she is eagle? I don't understand.

The woman alludes him and is protected for the last half of the week. He goes after the others, those who now wish to be like the child, those who now set their eyes upward - the rest of her offspring. Why didn't they listen before? Before the child left? It's ok, they will still be saved.

The whole world applauds the dragon. They are deceived by his promises of peace, unity, and to transcend the frailty of humanity. They are deceived by his appearance: his beauty, his splendor.The world is in awe. They worship the dragon.

The world hated the child and now that it's gone, they do as they please. The world hates the woman and those who try to be like the child.

Bloodshed, war, famine, disease, natural disasters, persecution, and severe judgments on an unrepentant world. Our world has never seen these things.

How long does this go on for? How long has it been going on for? A week? A test, for the world and for the woman. Answer correctly. How I wish I could tell them the answer.

The week has passed. The test is over.

The child has returned but there's someone more radiant, more beautiful among them. The cause for the child's disappearance. The reason the world hated the child. It's him, the Lion!

The dragon is distraught. He's enraged. His time is up. It's the end of the week.

The dragon is thrown down from its place of authority. It's chained up. It's sealed in its new home, the abyss. Darkness. How far does this darkness go? It's endless.

A new dawn. A new world. The Lion and the child rule. A new, never before seen age of peace and prosperity.

However, In the distant future...I can see it...the dragon rises again...

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