Companion Guide

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The companion guide to this book is meant to show you the source material of the story - the bible. If you're interested in learning about the verses I used pertaining to the tribulation period and millennial reign of Christ, read on! I will divide this out by chapter and reference only lines where I referenced scripture. I'll continue to update this guide as the story continues. Keep in mind that just because I'm giving you the verses here, doesn't mean it'll help you better understand the story. You could read through all these verses and still not understand what's going on.

All this does is show you the "source material". To have a better understanding of the story and ultimately what the bible says about these events and what it means, I encourage you to read through the story as I explain it in detail along the way or go to the previous chapter "Author's Note" to read articles I've written on this subject. I also understand that we don't all have the same interpretation of these verses (in terms of timing, how it'll take place, etc) so feel free to ask questions if you have any or want further clarification.

Prologue - Dream

1) "I closed my eyes and was taken to another world. The moon was darkened by what appeared to be smoke or ash...I saw a well guarded building on the outskirts of a demolished city a few miles away from the ocean. The surrounding landscape was blanketed by charred vegetation." - Revelation 8:7

2) "He approached the guard with tears streaming down his face. The guard grabs his hand and moved a small handheld device over it as he inspected it for something. He then moved it over his forehead...He took a look at the device, frowning. Negative. Where have you been old man? You should know we only give food to those with" - Revelation 13:16-17

3) "I soon realized what they were running from. Night turned to day revealing in the distance what seemed to be a mountain burning like a torch streak through the sky and made its way towards the open sea." - Revelation 8:8-9

4) "Afterwards, I heard a proclamation from on high, and to my dismay, discover that worse is yet to come, Woe, woe, woe to the inhabitants of the earth, because of the remaining blasts of the trumpet of the three angels who are about to sound!" - Revelation 8:13

Chapter 1 - Hayato

1) "I can't believe you'll already be sixty years old, you're growing up so fast." - Isaiah 65:20

2) "For as long as he's known, his mom has had a deep seated resentment for the radiant beings, some of who govern at each nation's capital...immortal superhuman beings that lived among humans and ruled the nations - often known as the "radiant ones" or "radiant beings" primarily for their physical appearance that gave off a radiance like that of the sun" - Daniel 7:26-27, Revelation 4:4, Revelation 20:4-6

3) "'center' of the world - Jerusalem, Israel" - Isaiah 2:2-3

4) As a kid, his dad would tell him stories about the immortal superhuman beings that lived among humans and ruled the nations - often known as the "radiant ones" or "radiant beings" primarily for their physical appearance that gave off a radiance like that of the sun. - Daniel 7:3, Revelation 20:4-6

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 16, 2020 ⏰

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