Safe Haven

69 3 1

Hanna's P.O.V

The sound of metal scraping against wood snaps me out of my tortured sleep. At first I think I'm hearing things, then the sound of objects hitting the floor makes me jump up.

I quietly open the bathroom door to find everyone still asleep, a sense of dread settles in my stomach. I walk towards the door and open it slowly. The moans of the infected reach me as I stand in the hallway.

I walk back into the room and put a chair up against the door. I walk over to Jordan as quietly as I can, I place my hand on his mouth and his eyes shoot open instantly.

A look of confusion passes across his face and I put a finger to my lips. He nods siting up. I point downstairs and mouth infected. His eyes widen.

I point towards the others and he silently moves towards them. I go into the bathroom and grab my blankets. When I return to the room Tatiana is up and moving silently. A loud moan catches all our attention and we all turn toward the door.

I walk towards my bag and shove the blankets in there.

Jake is at the side of me so I kick him, he stirs but doesn't wake up. So I kick him harder and he shoots up looking around the room. Once he looks at my face he stands up I point downstairs and he nods moving towards Holly.

Once everyone has everything in their bags; the moans are getting louder and I point towards the window, we all walk as fast as we dare.

Jake steps on a creaky floorboard and we all stand still. The infected moan louder and I glare at Jake. I point towards him and he opens the window, jumping out silently.

He lands with a thud and looks up at us as I push Tatiana towards the window. She hands me her bag and starts climbing down.

But, her foot slips and she lets out an ear piercing scream as she falls towards the ground.

Time seems to slow down as she falls through the air. Thankfully, Jake catches her and they both fall onto the floor in a heap.

We all sigh simultaneously as we see that Tatiana is okay. The noises get louder due to Tatiana's scream. I push Holly forward and she reluctantly jumps down, her brother catches her instantly.

I make Jordan go next, he jumps out and looks up at me. I start throwing out all of our bags. I throw our two big black duffel bags out and Jordan catches them.

I shuffle uncomfortably as I prepare myself for the jump.

God, this is so unfair! Of all things I could be scared of it's heights.

It's now or never.

I jump out of the window. As I start tilting I do a frontflip and land on my feet, my feet sting as I land on the floor.

As I turn towards the others; Holly whispers "You took your time girl."

I smile at her and we pick up all our bags. The infected press themselves up against the glass sliding doors, I push Tatiana forward as I hear the glass begin to crack. Suddenly, the glass shatters and infected spill out into the garden.

I grab my duffel with all the guns and Jordan takes the other. We rush over to the fence.

The infected swarm the whole garden in seconds I pull out my gun and take out the closest infected.

Go! I scream at them, Jake literally pushes Tatiana over the fence. He scrambles over her afterwards.

The closest infected has smears of blood covering her face, her light hair is matted with it. She makes weird rasping sounds and bites the air as she limps towards me. The smell makes me gag and my eyes water, I kick her in the chest and she falls backwards, creating a domino effect as she falls into more infected.

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