Undecided Destiny

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Hanna's P.O.V

Its been three weeks since the apocalypse started. I hear them constantly, shrieking and clawing, it's their world now.

Cole and I have become considerably closer over this time. The tension between Amber and I is at an all time high. The whole atmosphere is making everyone uncomfortable.

I'm stood talking to Holly in the kitchen, when something hits the back of my head. I slowly turn around and see a lemon on the floor. I raise my eyes and see Amber stood in the corner sniggering with Jessica. I roll my eyes, "she's pathetic, ignore it." Holly whispers. I nod my head, but pick up the fruit anyway. I stare at it for a few seconds, then throw it at Amber. It hits her in the face and she splutters.

I smile and Holly high fives me. "why the sour face Amber?" I say and the whole room laughs at Amber's extent.

Everyone gets involved and soon everyone is throwing it at each other, we all have fun and it takes our minds off the larger problem. Everyone appreciates the few minutes of madness and laughter.

When the laughter dies down I walk into the kitchen searching for something to eat. I rummage through the cupboards and see that we have barely any supplies left. The door opens and Darren steps into the room. "We urgently need to gather some supplies." I nod.

"We need to talk to the group and decide who is going to go today." I say. We both head into the living room and call a meeting.

During the whole thing I see Amber glaring at me. I cant wait to get out of the house, she is sucking the life out of everyone. Darren asks people to volunteer to go on the trip today. Reluctantly people volunteer. At the end the six of us get up and get our stuff ready.

I head to my room with Cole following close behind me. It will be so good to get out of this house. "Its driving me crazy". I smile and he wraps his arms around me. When he smiles his face lights up like a lantern. He pulls me into a kiss, at first it was small then it grew more intense. The passion grows and the temperature in the room increases.

A large pounding on the door startles us. "Hurry up love birds!" Seth bellows. We both chuckle and grab our stuff. We head outside into the crisp morning air. I wrap my arms around my siblings.

"We will be back tomorrow. I love you." I say. Once we have said goodbye we all get into our cars.

The whole car journey is quiet, until Seth turns on the radio. We all sing along to God's plan. The song is quite fitting but everyone sings their hearts out.

When we arrive in the city, all is not as it seems. There are armoured cars and guards patrolling the streets. "What is going on?" Cole mutters. A guard walks up to the window, a machine gun slung over his shoulder. He raps on the window and Darren stares at him for a few seconds.

The soldier peers into the car at us all. I see Archie's car come to a stop behind us. I see him glance around. "Do as your told." The soldier bellows, I snap back into reality.

I see that the soldier is pointing his gun at Darren. My hand shifts to my waistband, the cool metal of my gun calming me. I debated on pulling it out and pointing it at the soldier. Cole grabs my hand and I turn to look at him. "Don't even think about it." He whispers harshly.

More soldiers arrive and throw the car doors open. I stare in disbelief as a gun is pointed directly in my face. I glance down the barrel of the gun, knowing that at any minute a bullet could rip through my head and end my life.

The soldier grabs my arm and drags me out of the car. He drags me to where the others are. He pushes me forwards and I stumble. I turn to glare at him, and he smirks. "Get on your knees." He says. I shake my head.

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