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Holly's P.O.V

Her wild eyes stare directly at me. Her piercing stare manages to look through me. My feet feel like they are rooted to the spot. I continue to stare at her until I feel a tug on my wrist.

Ryan yanks my wrist so hard I almost fall over, I stumble attempting to retain my balance. He pulls me along behind him as we sprint through the garden. Where are we going? I shout over the roaring in my ears.

A safe place. He shouts back to me. Loud shouting can be heard from behind us; I glance back over my shoulder and see that the group is chasing us. I turn back to face forwards as I almost trip over a low lying wall.

We run directly past a zombie who almost manages to claw at me. I jump back to avoid it and fall directly into Ryan. He growls and drags me along faster. We run around countless corners attempting to evade the group chasing us.

We both stop behind a house as we attempt to catch our breath. We hear a loud snarl close to us and Ryan attempts to open the door behind him.

Thunder roars loudly in the distance and droplets of water begin to fall freely from the quickly darkening sky.

An infected is slowly closing in on us, I take in a large gulp of air and grab Ryans knife from his pocket. Im gonna deal with it I whisper to him. I slowly walk towards it attempting to remain calm as my hands begin to shake uncontrollably.

It lurches towards me and I drop the blade. I scramble to grab it, my fingers brush against the cool metal and I snatch it up. I sink the blade into its eye as it tries to bite my shoulder.

It drops to the floor and I kick it to make sure that it is dead. I remove the knife from the eye of the infected. I grimace as it makes a popping sound. I wipe the blood on its shirt and turn towards Ryan.

Holly! He whispers harshly. I jog over to him and he opens the door. He smiles proudly as I stare at him in amazement. Is it dead? He questions glancing over his shoulder towards the slumped figure.

Its dead. I say, he pats me on the back and I smile.

We can hear the group shouting not far from us. He pushes me inside and closes the door behind us. The stench of death hits me in the face like a wave. I rush over to the sink as bile begins to rise in the back of my throat.

I hear a loud crash and search the darkness for Ryan. I squint and see a shape slowly moving towards me. Ryan, is that you? I whisper. There is no reply and the shape keeps advancing towards me. I grasp the knife tightly in my hand.

A loud growl shakes me to my core and I slowly move backwards. My heart begins to pound in my chest as it drags itself closer to me.

My heart begins to hammer in my chest. I clutch the knife tighter and a dull ache begins to spread through my hand. I close my eyes and take in a deep breath.

There is a loud thump, the zombie that I was afraid of is laid on the floor motionless. I sigh relieved as Ryan appears from the darkness.

He walks over to the edge of the kitchen and pulls a knife from the chopping block. We need to get downstairs. He says.

We both cross the living room and he pulls open a door. The door descends downwards, there is a large rickety staircase. I stand staring until Ryan gently nudges me forwards, I take a deep breath and begin the descent.

I hold my breath as I walk down the old staircase. It groans under my weight and I go slowly. I finally manage to reach the bottom safely.

Ryan follows my moves and is down seconds later. We both hide in opposite corners of the basement.

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