Quick Getaway

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Hanna's P.O.V

Someone roughly shakes me awake. As the fog begins to dissipate from my head I hear Cole shouting at me. "For god's sake Hanna if you don't wake up in the next minute we're all dead!"

My eyes shoot open and I sit up. He lets out a sigh of relief. Everyone is running around screaming and panicking. Then I hear the infected pounding on the door, I look around at all the petrified faces surrounding me and I jump off my cot and get myself into action.

I look around and see a large amount of people stood staring nervously at the door. "How long has this been going on?" I shout to Cole over the commotion, he shrugs his shoulders and clutches Ben and Bella protectively. He whispers quiet reassurances to them, hugging them to his chest.

The doors start creaking and I pull out my knife, clutching it tightly as my hand begins to shake. As the moans get louder the doors start weakening and I grab Tatiana and pull her behind me protectively.

The doors burst open and the infected grab the closest people to them. Screams of pure terror echo through the whole hall. Everyone makes a dash towards the back of the hall, trying to escape the onslaught of infected rushing at them. I grab our bags and point to the back hallway roughly pushing Tatiana in front of me. Everyone sets off running for the back exit.

Bella screams as she trips and Cole turns quickly fear shining bright in his eyes. "I've got her." I say. Jordan pulls him roughly through the back doors, once they disappear I turn and see the whole hall full of infected.

I run to Bella and pull her up quickly. The whole place is coated in blood, we run to the door and Bella's foot slips in a pool of blood and she stumbles. I grab her arm to steady her and pull her towards the door as infected roam searching for more victims. I pull Bella along with me into the back hallway.

"Wait!" Someone screams from behind us, we turn around and a girl Bella's age stares back at us. "Please take me with you, they got to my mum I have nowhere to go." Tears flow from her eyes and Bella grabs her hand.

As we round the corner everyone is there, staring at the exit. We can hear the infected pounding on the other side of the door, their moaning so loud it carries through the door.

"There's another exit down here!" I shout as I pull Bella and the other girl down the hallway with me. I stop as I reach it and put my ear to the door. Once I'm sure there's no infected on the other side I kick open the door.

The sun is only just starting to peek over the horizon. The sky has become a light pink, like a sea of cotton candy, the light of the sun casts a pink hue over the clouds above. The cars I saw last night shine as they catch some of the sun rays.

Cole runs over and grabs me by the shoulders, he then pulls me into a hug. "Thank you" He whispers quietly. I feel tears leak onto my face and look up to see Cole crying, I hug him tighter.

He silently lets go of me and stands next to me. He grabs my hand and laces our fingers together. As I stare at our intertwined hands a loud scream pierces the air around us. I look up to see one of the boys from yesterday running out of the door, closely followed by a horde of infected. I try to pull my hand back from Cole's grasp but he won't let go.

"Help me!" He screams at me, his eyes beg me to help him. I try harder to get away from Cole and he latches onto me tighter.

"Let go of me Cole!" I scream. The infected have managed to grab hold of him, his screams pierce the air. Jordan comes over and wraps his hand around my waist to stop me from getting out of Cole's grasp.

"Don't look Hanna." Cole says pulling me to him and he presses my head to his chest.

"Please help me" His cries get quieter until we can no longer hear him. Jordan and Cole let go of me. I turn to face them.

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