Crazy Crew

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Holly's P.O.V

Everyone in the cabin sits quietly, contemplating about what has happened to our friends. The silence is stifling. I sigh loudly, and Jordan jumps up out of his chair. "I'm so sick of waiting, they've been gone for three days. Where the hell are, they?" He shouts turning to look at me.

"Honestly I've no idea, they should have been back by now." I say, he growls in frustration and storms out of the room. Ryan walks over and sits down next to me. His light golden-brown hair is ruffled.

"We have a big problem; we've run out of food." He whispers trying not to let the others hear. I throw up my hands up in frustration, great another problem. I glance over at Tatiana and see her smirking at me. I shake my head at her, and she begins to laugh. It causes a smile to tug at my lips.

"Has anyone got any idea of where they could be?" Ryan asks, everyone shakes their head in response.

Amber stands up and I already know that I'm not gonna like what she has to say.

I begin to walk towards the kitchen until I hear Amber talk. "I dont know where they are, but I really hope that Hanna is dead."

I stop dead in my tracks, she has got to be kidding me. I turn around extremely slowly and hear a loud scream. I see Tatiana stood over Amber shaking with rage, I quickly walk over to her and grab her arm.

"Come with me." I say pulling her out of the room. I lead her to my room and shut the door. She walks over and sits on the bed. She puts her head in her hands and just sits quietly like that.

I walk over to her and place my arm around her shoulder. She begins to sob, and I pull her closer to me."Its okay" I whisper holding her tightly, "just let it out.""

She pulls back and looks at me. Do you think that Hanna is okay?" She asks. I nod and watch as some of the stress drains from her face. I wipe away her tears and we both stand up.

"Holly, Ana come quick." Tatiana wipes her face and we both dash into the room. Ryan is stood clutching the radio as it begins to crackle to life.

"Hello, is anyone there?" A distorted voice calls through the radio. "It's Seth, is anyone there?"

Ryan presses the button and moves the radio to his mouth, "where did we first meet?" He questions and I stare at him.

"McKay's Gun Shop." Seth replies. I feel a large weight being lifted off my shoulders.

"Where are you guys?" Ryan asks, walking away into the kitchen. I follow close behind him and shut the door to give us some privacy.

"We ran into a problem in the city. Which were still dealing with." He says. I grab the radio from Ryan.

"Is Hanna there with you?" I question. There is a long pause that makes my heart begin to beat faster.

"She's preoccupied at the minute" Seth says, his tone makes me believe that what he told me isn't completely right. "I know that you must almost be out of food, so I'm only gonna say this once, whatever you do, don't come into the city." His tone of finality leaves no room for argument.

"I've got to go." Remember what I told you Holly." The radio goes deathly silent, signaling the end of the conversation.

I turn to look at Ryan whose face is a mask of confusion. His eyebrows are knitted together in confusion. "Looks like we're gonna have to collect them ourselves." He says staring at me, I nod my head slowly.

"I'll meet you at the car in five." I say opening the large wooden door. I stride through into the room where Tatiana runs over to me.

"Did you talk to her?" She rushes out, I nod my head slowly and she smiles brightly. I pull her into a hug, over her shoulder I see Amber glaring at us.

"If you dont change your face, it will stay that way." I call to her and earn a scowl. I slowly let go of Tatiana and head into my room.

I collect my bag and then head back out. I see my brother and walk over to him. "Look after Tatiana." I say and he nods, I pull him into a hug.

We stay there for ages until he pulls away. "You're cramping my style." He says jokingly and we both laugh loudly. I begin to walk towards the door and turn when I see Hunter laid on the sofa.

"Tell your dad we've gone out." I say to him resting my hand on the cool metal door handle. He jumps up and walks towards me.

"Can I come?" He questions, his eyes shining with anticipation. I shake my head at him, and his smile begins to fade. "Why not?" he says quite aggressively.

"We don't know what its like out there. A crazy teenager running around will cause more harm than good." I say and he storms over to the sofa and sits brooding in the darkness.

I pull open the door and see Ryan stood in front of the car. He smiles when he sees me, and I head towards him. When I reach him, he grabs my bag and throws it onto the back seat.

He places the key in the ignition and the engine roars to life. He maneuvers the car around the large number of cars and then parks up. He jumps out and heads towards the gate dagger in hand. I see him stab a zombie in the eye and it slowly falls to the ground.

He pushes the wrought iron gate open, struggling due to the corpse on the other side. I get tired just looking at him and slowly get out of the car. I trudge towards him and he sighs. "Give me the dagger" I say, and he hands it to me. I stand behind him as he squeezes through the gap. He grabs the leg of the corpse and pulls it out of the way.

I'm alerted to a growl and shove the gate open. I rush forwards and stab a zombie as it attempts to bite Ryan. He turns around startled and stares at me. He grabs my arm and pulls me towards the car as we hear a loud growl pierce the silence. We sprint towards the car and struggle to get our breaths back.

He starts the engine and the car crawls forwards. He stops the car and jumps out to close the gate. He jumps back in and we set off. The forest hides dark secrets in the darkness. As we hurtle through the woods, I can see shambling bodies in the darkness.

Thirty minutes later we arrive at a small town on the outskirts of the city. I jump out of the jeep and my feet sting from the impact. I slowly turn and marvel at the destruction that surrounds me.

On the building to my left, there is a blood swipe across the white paint. There is a smudged bloody handprint on the front window. When I move forwards, I stand on broken glass that crunches below my feet. I look down and see a blood trail on the floor that leads down the street. I begin to follow it and see a decaying slumped figure on the ground.

The clouds obscure the sun creating a sinister atmosphere. The stench of death lies heavy in the air. The wind whips my dark hair around my face. In the distance a door bangs to a rhythmic beat. Its hinges groaning in protest.

The wind carries the tortured screams of the oncoming horde of trapped souls. They slowly shuffle towards us. Ryan grabs my arm and drags me behind a house. He stares at the horizon of corpse, who are searching for their next meal.

We hear the roar of an engine and the squealing of tyres as a car hurtles past. The car pulls up and five terrifying maniacs jump out. One woman casually strolls over and pulls a katana out of its sheathe, she raises it up and slices the infecteds head off.

I gasp in horror as the head clatters to the floor, she grimaces at it and kicks it away from her. Her companions pull out their weapons and begin to slaughter the horde. Her dark hair is matted with blood, I scream as an infected appears behind me. Ryan pulls out his dagger and forces it into the infecteds head. It stumbles to the floor and a pang of terror flows through me.

"We're not alone here." I whisper quietly and turn back to face the crazy woman. I see her eyes looking directly at me and my heart sinks.

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