Chapter #2

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Ivy's P.O.V

Me and Bella just finished the photoshoot with Bryant and were heading home ''at what time do we have to go to the gym?'' Bella asked ''the trainers will be there at 2:00 pm so maybe at 1:00 to start warming up'' I said parking the car ''okay goodnight v'' she said going in to her room ''goodnight ella'' I said closing the door I did my night routine and grabbed my teddy bear and pillow I went to sleep fast.

Next day (Wednesday)

I got up and checked the time and it was 12:00 pm ''oh shout'' I yelled I went to Bella's room and woke her up ''Bella wake up'' I yelled ''what? what's wrong?'' ''were going to be late" she got up fast and went to take a shower I did the same I wore some grey and white leggings with a white top and on top of that I put on a grey sweater I did my hair in a high ponytail and some chapstick I took my black Nike gym bag and put my charger,headphones,a towel,extra clothes,perfume,my yoga mat and some lotion I ran downstairs and saw Bella in some black leggings and a black sweater she was grabbing 2 apples and four water bottles ''here eat this'' she said throwing me an apple ''thanks ella now let's go'' we got in the car I turned on the ac since it was hot I drove there as fast as I could I parked the car and put the keys in the bag we went in side and I checked the time ''1:50 pm thank god were not late'' I said ''yeah'' Bella replied we went to the front desk and said our name we went in the back of the gym were the bathrooms and the lockers were I unlocked my locker and put my things in it I grabbed the extra water bottle my headphones and phone me and Bella walked out of the locker room and saw our trainers.

Kian: hi Bella and Ivy

Me: hi Kian and Nate

Bella: so what are we starting with today?

Nate: how about running for 30 minutes then doing 20 push ups then 10 minutes of bench press and then some other things

Me: this is going to be along day

Kian: let's get started then

while I was squats with Nate because Bella and Kian went to do bench presses on the other side of the gym I saw someone looking at me I just ignored it ''can we please get some water I already finished mine'' I said coming up from the plank position ''okay fine i'll get some water for me too just do another plank for 10 more minutes'' Nate said ''okay fine'' I said coming down to the floor again to do a plank ''so girl what you training for'' someone said ''non of you're business'' I said not looking up '' we'll damn Ivy don't have to be so mean'' I finally looked up and saw Hayes ''oh i'm so sorry Hayes'' I said standing up ''so you come to this gym?'' he asked.

Me: yeah I come once in a while with Bella and some trainers

Hayes: oh okay so how's life going?

Me: not bad not bad can't complain

Hayes: okay so I have to go Nash is waiting for me in the car

Me: bye Hayes and tell Nash I said hi

Hayes: okay I will bye Ivy

once he left I sat down in the floor on my phone waiting for Nate to come ''did you do the plank'' I looked up and saw Nate with 2 water bottles in his hands "yes now give me the water please'' I said ''okay okay here you go'' he said giving me a water bottle I stood up and saw it was already 10:00 pm ''so what else do we have to do'' I said closing my water ''that's it you did it Ivy'' he said giving me a high five ''okay so i'm going to get Bella and then i'm leaving'' I said to him ''bye Ivy'' ''bye Nate'' I then walked away to find Ivy I found her and told her to let's go we went to the locker rooms and took a shower because I sure wasn't going to do it at home we brung some sweatpants and an over sized sweater we put it on and walked to the car once we got there we drove home and went straight to bed,

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