Chapter 2: Frightening Guest

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The day passed by and the young man Kaito had brought home still hasn't woken up and it was starting to worry the ultimate astronaut. Sure some people like to sleep all day but they normally get up at 2 or 3, they never sleep through literally the whole day! For what felt like the millionth time that day, Kaito checked on the man and like all the other times, the man was still asleep. 

'Should I call Shuichi?' Kaito thought to himself as he turned to leave the room again, that was before he heard a soft groan. Kaito easily turned to the man seeing him shift in the bed before his dark indigo eyes fluttered open. A sigh of relief escaped Kaito as the man groggily sat up "Oh thank god your up," Kaito spoke and couldn't help but notice how the man suddenly looked up at him.

Kaito then walked up to the bedside with a warm smile "You slept through the entire day! I was starting to think you died," Kaito chuckled, not noticing the way the man cocked an eyebrow at him.

"Where am I? Who are you?" He asked with a tilt of his head.

"I'm Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars! And you're in my dorm room," Kaito explained before asking "Who are you? I never got a name from you before you passed out last night,"

"I'm Kokichi, Kokichi Ouma." Kokichi smiled slyly as he held his hands behind his head, only to suddenly clutch his stomach with a soft hiss of pain.

"Hey, are you ok?" Kaito asked with a worried frown before hearing the unmistakable growl from Kokichi's stomach. "Your hungry aren't you?" A nod came from Kokichi.

"Of course I am! Wow, normally humans figure that out faster, but I guess you're different, " Kokichi snapped with a soft growl. Kaito was easily caught off guard.

"Well you've been asleep for the whole day so I couldn't ask!" Kaito snapped back before adding "And what do you mean by 'human' we're both the same thing!"

A smirk tugged at Kokichi's lips before speaking "You really don't know what I am, do you?"

"Of course I do! You're a human!" Kaito spoke with confidence before hearing Kokichi burst out in laughter.

"Oh my god you really don't know!" Koichi cackled out much to Kaito's confusion. The last person to act like this was that Gundham Tanaka guy before he and his entire class disappeared one day.

"Fine then, what the hell are you?" Kaito frowned as he crossed his arms in irritation.

"A vampire and I thought the 'ultimate' students were smart!" Kokichi snickered as he watched Kaito's expression shift to shock then disbelief.

Even though Kaito might regret this, the next words to leave his mouth was "Then prove it!" and much to his horror Kokichi smirked.

"Very well Momo-Chan, " and with that Kokichi's toothy grin was suddenly overtaken by sharp teeth, the two sharpest were over his canine teeth. Kokichi then watched Kaito stare at him with a shocked expression, before he started screaming and scrambling away from him.

"Hey hey! Calm down!" Kokichi frowned as he slipped out of the bed and tried approaching Kaito who in returned backed away. Kokichi was used to people screaming but it still always startled him.

"G-Get back! Stay back!" Kaito screamed as he foolishly backed himself into a corner, against his dresser and wall.

"I'm not going to hurt you, idiot!" Kokichi yelled out while walking up to Kaito without hesitation much to Kaito's horror.

"Bullshit! Vampires always hurt people!" Kaito shouted and froze when a dark expression formed in Kokichi's face and much to Kaito's shock, tears started to form in Kokichi's dark indigo eyes.

"Wow, first I pass out because I'm sick, then you call me dangerous all because I'm a monster!" Kokichi whimpered out before letting out a loud cry "WAAAAAH! YOU'RE SO MEAN!"

Kaito thinking fast, covered Kokichi's mouth with a free hand easily silencing the small vampire "Shhhh! Ok ok, I'm sorry! Just be quiet!" Kaito whisper shouted. Every nerve in him said to run, to not trust his frightening guest but seeing that Kokichi had just admitted he was sick, Kaito just couldn't kick him out. With an irritated huff, Kaito continued "Fine you can stay here but you have to promise me you won't hurt anyone, "

Kokichi looked like he was thinking about what Kaito before giving a small nod and Kaito took his hand away. "Now what type of medicine do you need, cause you aren't leaving till your better, " Kaito asked. Did the undead even need medicine?

"Oh its really easy to find!"

"Well? What is it?"


Kaito nearly choked at Kokichi's words, where the hell was he... Kaito felt sick to his stomach at the thought of letting Kokichi bite him. What if he gets turned into a vampire himself? But if he didn't Kokichi would practically starve to death. "I won't turn into a vampire if you bite me right?" Kaito asked warily.

"Nope! That would be the other way around, " Kokichi chirped as he looked up at the spaceman.

With a shaky sigh, Kaito then leaned down to Kokichi's level and craned his neck to the side "J-Just make it quick, " he stuttered out before he felt one of Kokichi's small hands grab his wrist, much to his confusion.  

Kokichi had a warm smile on his face before speaking up "How about we work up to your neck?" before he delicately bit Kaito's wrist. When Kokichi tasted the first drops of blood, it took everything in his willpower to keep himself under control. Never before had he tasted something so sweet, the blood to him tasted of strawberry syrup. Kaito on the other hand, look as if he was internally screaming as Kokichi fed off of him. He didn't feel any pain other than the initial bite, in fact, Kokicki was being so gentle that it felt like he was just having his blood drawn like at the doctors. Kaito was more or less freaked out over the fact that a real vampire was drinking his blood.

Lucky him it only took a few more minutes before Kokichi pulled away with a few soft pants and already Kaito could see a slight change to Kokichi's appearance, just from the few pints a bit of Kokichi's color returned as well as looking more aware to his surroundings. Kaito then pulled his hand away as he expects the bite mark, it looked like a regular bite mark but it was clear that instead of regular teeth he was bit with a row of sharp teeth.

Lucky him, the bite was small and he could easily hide it under a long sleeved shirt. Kaito then noticed how Kokichi had managed to slip back into his bed and now was curled up in the soft blankets. "So do you stay up all night or?" Kaito asked as he held onto his wrist.

"Sorta, I get up at dawn and dusk." Kokichi hummed softly as he poked his head out of the blankets.

"So like...bats?"

"Sorta like that!"

Kaito then fell into an awkward silence as he watched Kokichi spiral out on his bed, like a cat sunning itself on a windowsill. Kaito hadn't realized he was staring till Kokichi's voice broke the silence "You like what you see Kaito?" making Kaito shift his gaze away earning a giggle from Kokichi.

This was going to be a long night.

Ok! I got an amino for Danganronpa so you guys can interact with me better! The first poll is up and it's time to vote for the outcome of the next chapter! here's the link to my profile!

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