Chapter 3: Long Night

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Thanks to everyone that voted for this chapters outcome! Expect more polls in the future if you missed this poll!

Kaito groaned in slight annoyance at another one of Kokichi's questions. For the past hour, Kokichi had been doing nothing but asking question after questions. Most questions related to him or around what happened during the day in the city.

"So what's it like at this 'Hope's Peak Academy'?"

"What do they teach there?"

"Are you always this jumpy?"

The questions were nonstop. When Kaito glanced at the clock on his nightstand he saw it was reaching the 12 o'clock hour. Didn't Kokichi say he's only up at dawn and dusk?

"Shouldn't you be asleep by now? It's after 12," Kaito pointed out before an innocent giggle came from Kokichi despite the next words that left his mouth.

"Oh, that was just a lie! I stay up all night!"

Kaito frowned as he ran a hand through his spiked hair. "Well, I can't. I have training with Shuichi and Maki tomorrow." Kaito explains before standing up and turning to head out the door. "You can sleep in my bed ag-"


Kaito then looked over his shoulder at Kokichi who was now sitting up in his bed and looking at him like a puppy would when it wanted to get adopted. "Can you stay for a bit longer?" Kokichi asked with a tilt of his head.

Kaito stared at Kokichi for a moment, why would Kokichi even ask that? He was a deadly vampire, not a small child. Despite his better judgment, Kaito walked back over to the side of the bed and sat down on the floor. "Fine, I'll stay for a bit longer."

The smile that tugged at Kokichi's lips matched that of an excited child as the small vampire snuggled into the soft blankets "Your definitely nicer than the other humans I've met, " Kokichi pointed out, turning the lay on his side facing Kaito. That got the spaceman to look over with interest. "Normally any other human would try chopping my head off!" Kokichi snickered out.

"They wha-"

"That was just a lie!"

Kaito stared at Kokichi in disbelief before thinking to himself 'What did I get myself into?' before he could say anything though, a soft yawn came from Kokichi.

"You getting tired?" Kaito asked but Kokichi shook his head no.

"Of course not! Since when do vampires sleep at night?" Kokichi dismissed as he held his hands behind his head. Kaito, however, saw how Kokichi snuggled deeper into his blankets.

"You can go to sleep if you want, it's nearly 1," Kaito spoke as he looked at the clock seeing it was 12:49. Kokichi seemed to hesitate slightly before giving a small nod and shifted to lay on his stomach, allowing him to bury his face in the fluffy pillow.

Kaito, on the other hand, chose to stay up making sure Kokichi truly fell asleep. He didn't want to risk Kokichi being up and getting bit in the middle of the night. Only when the clock it 3 did Kaito walk back into the living room, stumbling as he walked.

Kaito then flopped down on the couch and in record time, he was out cold and snoring loudly. He might be a bit late in meeting up with Maki and Shuichi tomorrow but it was summer vacation, they basically had every day till August to wast.

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