Chapter 4: Morning Scare

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The next morning rolled around without incident. Kaito had slept in till roughly 10 o'clock as the spaceman sat up on the couch with a loud drawn out yawn. Half of him expected to wake up at around 2 or 3 but he guessed it was his internal clock that woke him up. The young spaceman stumbled to his feet while stretching his limps out, earning a few satisfying pops.

Once Kaito's blurry vision cleared he walked into his room ready to grab some clean clothes for the day, he expected to see Kokichi out cold on his bed, he didn't expect an empty bed with the sheets half pulled off the bed. Kaito stared at the empty bed as his heart skipped a few beats. In an instant, Kaito looked himself over for any new bites but only found the one mark on his wrist.

'Maybe he left last night?' Kaito thought to himself before walking to his closet, grabbing his normal attire for the day. After laying the clothes on the bed, Kaito walked into the bathroom to freshen up, getting his hair back to its spiky style and such. Once done, Kaito walked back into his room and started getting dressed, tugging his tee shirt on, then his button up, then finally his jacket.

When Kaito put his jacket on, however, he could feel something in one of the pockets. Without thinking, Kaito reached into his pocket to pull out whatever was in there, only for his fingers to brush against something soft before a pair of small teeth bite at his hand. With a surprised yelp, Kaito yanked his hand away to see the indents of tiny teeth on his hand, the bite wasn't enough to break the skin but it was definitely enough to not only frighten the astronaut but sting like hell too.

This time being more cautious, Kaito reached back into his pocket and carefully pulled out an angrily squeaking bat with white spots on its sides and back, but what made Kaito stare was the bats dark indigo eyes.

"You little shit, " Kaito huffed as he held Kokichi in his hand. Little Batkichi though bit Kaito's hand again making the taller yelp and drop him, though the vampire was quick to envelop himself in a small cloud of mist and when it cleared, Kokichi was back to normal.

"Normal people don't wake another person up by suddenly grabbing them, " Kokichi growled with a tried expression before Kaito glared at him.

"And people normally don't sleep in jacket pockets!" Kaito retorted as he held his hand close to his chest.

"Its either that or sleeping in the sun!" Kokichi snapped and it was then Kaito saw that his bed was completely envelope by sunlight from the bedroom's window. 'Right, sun kills vampires, ' Kaito thought to himself until the next words that left Kokichi's mouth "I don't know about you but I rather not wake up with the worlds worse sunburn, "

"Wait, what?" Kaito tilted his head in confusion making Kokichi roll his eyes.

"Not a lot of people know that but, vampires don't die in the sun, and no we don't sparkle. We just get bad sunburns, " Kokichi explained as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, "Jeez, what else did you humans make up about us?"

Kaito was at a loss for words, what could he say? Apparently, Vampires don't die in the sun and don't stay up for the entire night, what else did humans get wrong about vampires? The only thing to snap Kaito out of his shock was his phone ringing, the star wars theme playing out as he fumbled to grab the device off the nightstand.

Shuichi was calling him. Kaito quickly answered the call as a soft smile tugged at his lips "H-Hey Shuichi!"

"Hey, Kaito! Where are you? It's nearly 12," Shuichi asked making Kaito look at the clock, it really was nearly 12!

"Shit, sorry Shu! I'm on my way right now!" Kaito spoke and before Shuichi could get another word in, Kaito hung up and stuffed his phone in his pocket.

Kaito then rushed past Kokichi, nearly tripping on his feet as he did as he rushed towards the front door, "I'll be back later! Do not answer the door or phone unless it's me!" Kaito shouted back at Kokichi making the small vampire tilt his head.

"Wait where are you going?" Kokichi asked as he rushed to follow Kaito.

"Training with Maki-Roll and Shuichi, " Kaito explained as he opens the door and before Kokichi could ask another question he shut the door.

It didn't take long for Kaito to reach Shuichi's place where he and Maki were waiting for him. Lucky Kaito he got there in the nick of time and the three headed down to the local park, ready to start today's training.

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