Chapter 5: Training Day

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"I-I'm here!" Kaito panted out as he rushed up to Shuichi's house where Shuichi and Make sat on the steps. Maki wore her regular clothes while Shuichi wore a white button-up shirt and a pair of black pants.

"Hey Kaito, what took you so long?" Shuichi asked just as Kaito sat down between Shuichi and Maki.

Thinking fast Kaito came up with a somewhat believable lie "A friend dropped by last night and they wanted to spend a few nights at my place, " Kaito saw how both Maki and Shuichi seemed skeptical and it only added when Shuichi asked,

"Whats their name?"

Kaito couldn't say Kokichi's real name and after thinking for a moment he blurted out the first thing that came to mind "Koumori!" Kaito didn't know where the name came from, he possibly read it somewhere but it was enough for Maki and Shuichi to seem satisfied with the answer. 

Only a few moments of talking passed before the three headed to the local park for their afternoon training. The park was nothing big, just a few trees, a playground covered with children free from school, and a tiny pond. When the three arrived they picked out a nice shady tree and sat down.

"We should start with some sit-ups first, " Kaito chirped up as he tugged his coat off and sets it on the grass next to him before laying on his back and placing his hands behind his head. Maki and Shuichi did the same and the days training begin.

It wasn't until the trio started doing pushups did Kaito notice, Maki, staring at him, well staring at his wrist. "Kaito, what happened to your wrist?" Maki asked and it was then that Kaito noticed his sleeve had shifted revealing the still healing bite mark.

Kaito then quickly sat up and tugged his sleeve down as he shudders out "A-A dog! A stray dog bit me last night!" Both Shuichi and Maki looked skeptical, especially Maki who narrowed her eyes at Kaito, he did stick with his story.

Kaito was bombarded by countless questions by both Maki and Shuichi, he answered all the questions the best he could and before he knew it, it was nearly dusk. Taking this as an opportunity to escape the questions Kaito spoke up "It's getting late, we should probably get back home?" he suggested. Shuichi then pulled out his phone and saw it was approaching 7:45.

"We should get home, it's almost 8," Shuichi voiced his agreement and the three stood up, Shuichi wobbling on his feet as he did. The trio then started back to there homes, chatting all the while and making plans for the next training session.

It didn't take long for the trio to drop Shuichi off at his house and now Maki and Kaito were on their way back to the dorms when they reached the building Maki surprising hugged Kaito, it was a quick hug but it was enough to shock Kaito.

"Goodnight, Kaito, " Maki spoke softly before rushing to her dorm room.

"N-Night Maki!" Kaito chirped out with a soft flustered smile before heading up to his own room. Once Kaito unlocked his door and stepped inside, he was met with a blanket fort in the middle of his living room. "Kokichi, " Kaito huffed and saw the small vampire poke his head out of the fort with an innocent smile.

"Hey, Kaito! You're finally back!" Kokichi chirped happily as he crawled out of the blanket fort and trapped Kaito in a hug, "I was staring to think someone took a bite out of you!" He snickered out and his snickers only grew when he saw how Kaito paled at his statement.

"I told you that I was with Maki and Shuichi,"Kaito huffed as he took hold of Kokichi's wrists and tried prying him off, thankfully Kokichi let go of Kaito. A soft growl came from Kaito's stomach making Kokichi tilt his head, he watched Kaito walk into the kitchen and followed after him like a lost puppy. Kaito easily noticed and looked over at Kokichi and asked without thinking "You hungry too?"

Kokichi seemed to perk up slightly as he gave a nod with an innocent smile "Starving!" Kaito gulped before reluctantly offers Kokichi his wrist. Kokichi, instead of hitting Kaito's wrist simply snickered out "Nishishi! That was a lie!" making Kaito roll his eyes and withdraw his hand.

"You're a pain, you know that?" Kaito grumbled as he trapped a packet of ramen noodles.

"You still love me though!" Kokichi giggled and easily noticed the way Kaito choked on air and how his face turned a bright shade of red.

"No, I don't!" Kaito yelled while trying to keep his focus on cooking his dinner, but with Kokichi around it was proving to be a challenge.

"You really don't love me?" Kokichi sniffled and Kaito could already sense the crocodile tears coming so he was quick to cover Kokichi's mouth.

"No you aren't, look I met you just last night and I still have no idea what you're like! Love takes time and work, it doesn't just happen, " Kaito huffed and saw how Kokichi had a shocked look on his face, it actually made Kaito a little proud knowing he rendered Kokichi speechless.

Kaito then took his hand away from Kokichi's mouth, as soon as he was freed Kokichi excused himself and slinked off to hide somewhere in the dorm room, most likely being Kaito's room. With no distractions now, Kaito got back to cooking his dinner but his mind couldn't help but go back to Kokichi. What was it that made Kaito think about him? He was just some kid he met that's actually a vampire!

Kaito shook his head slightly, clearing his thoughts from his mind, he then focused on his dinner. Once the noodles were fully cooked, he turned the stove off and poured the meal into a small bowl and carefully carried the hot container into the living room to enjoy his meal.

After fifteen minutes, Kaito finished his meal and placed the bowl in the sink to be washed in the morning. He then made his way into his room to get ready for bed, when he stepped inside he saw Kokichi curled up in a cocoon of blankets and his face was hidden in his pillow, the sight was enough to make Kaito stare for a second before shaking his head and grabbing some clean pajamas for the night.

After changing, Kaito was about to head into the living room to sleep till he heard a soft whimper coming from Kokichi. When he looked over, he saw Kokichi starting to toss and turn in his bed. He couldn't just leave him there so, Kaito walked over to the bed and crawled under the blankets. With a small amount of hesitation, Kaito wrapped his arms around Kokichi and tugged him close to his chest and much to his surprise, Kokichi latched right onto him. It took only minutes to calm Kokichi down but when Kaito tried getting up, Kokichi's grip tightened with a small groan, not wanting to wake Kokichi up, Kaito stayed in bed and it didn't take long for him to fall asleep for the night.

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