Chapter 6: Relaxation

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The annoying buzzing of an alarm clock was what woke Kaito the next morning when he opened his eyes, he expected to wince in pain of the bright morning light but he saw his room was still dark. When he moved to sit up, Kaito felt a weight on his chest and looked down to see Kokichi, still snuggled up to his side but on closer inspection, Kaito saw the beginnings of a sunburn on Kokichi's hands. Kaito easily puts two and two together and realized Kokichi must have gotten up earlier and closed the curtains closed.

As much as Kaito would love to stay, he knew Kokichi is going to be out for the full day and Kaito wasn't about to spend a day in bed, so carefully Kaito tried unraveling Kokichi's arms from his form but was met with a soft groan and the smaller male tightening his grip. The groan was enough for Kaito to stop for a second before trying again only to get the same results, a frown tugged at Kaito's lips before getting an idea. Carefully Kaito grabbed his pillow and tried wedging the soft item between himself and Kokichi, thankfully shifted to hold onto the pillow instead.

Now freed, Kaito got out of bed and walked out of his room, closing the door quietly behind him. Today was a relaxation day, no plans other than goofing around till sundown after breakfast of course. Kaito had a soft smile on his face as he made his way into the kitchen, a craving for pancakes made Kaito grab the flour, baking powder, and all the other ingredients. When Kaito was mixing the different ingredients together in a small bowl, he heard his bedroom door open and close making him shift his gaze towards the door. His gaze met a sleepy looking Kokichi, wearing nothing but his colorful red, yellow, and orange boxers and one of Kaito's spare shirts that hung from the small vampire's bony shoulders.

"Is that my shirt?" Kaito asked as Kokichi stumbled slightly to the couch while giving Kaito a soft nod.

"It's better than sleeping in a straight jacket, " Kokichi yawned out as he plopped down on the couch. That made Kaito realize that Kokichi only had the outfit he arrived in.

"How about I pick you up some new clothes later?" Kaito asked with a warm smile. Kokichi looked at Kaito with a small bit of shock before nodding his head yes. Once Kaito was done making his breakfast, he got the fluffy pancakes on a plate and headed to sit down next to Kokichi. "Hungry?" Kaito asked as he offered the plate to the small vampire, again not thinking before he asked.

"I-I'm fine," was Kokichi's only answer as he curled up against Kaito's side. Something was wrong, Kaito could just sense it. While Kaito ate his breakfast, he would steal worried glances at Kokichi, he looked so pale, another glance and Kaito saw how thin and frail Kokichi is. It was then it hit Kaito, Kokichi looked just as sick as when he first arrived and as much as Kaito didn't want to he knew if he didn't Kokichi would just get worse and worse. 

Without a word, Kaito held his wrist out towards Kokichi who looked up at him in confusion.

"Kaito what are you-"

"Just eat ok, "

Kaito could just barely see the shocked look on Kokichi's face but instead of biting Kaito, he shook his head. 

"I said I'm not hungry, " Kokichi insisted and the fact that Kokichi was refusing to eat and by further extension, not taking care of his health made Kaito upset.

"You look just as bad as the day you got here," Kaito pointed out though he saw how Kokichi rolled his eyes.

"Please, I always look like this," Kokichi smirked before adding on "Are you just worried about little ol-mfph!?"

Deciding not to play into Kokichi's little game, Kaito cut Kokichi off by stuffing his wrist into the vampire's mouth. He could just imagine Kokichi rolling his eyes before he felt the small vampire delicately bit Kaito. The ultimate astronaut shivered at the feeling of Kokichi feeding off him but seeing the color return to Kokichi seemed to make him feel better. Although Kokichi said he wasn't hungry, he did feed for a much longer time then last time and when he was done, Kaito couldn't help but feel light headed. 

"Better?" Kaito asked with a slight slur but he did see how Kokichi nodded his head yes. "Good," a soft smile tugged at Kaito's lips and without thinking, he wrapped an arm around Kokichi's form. Kokichi stiffened when Kaito pulled him closer but instead of pushing Kaito away he snuggled closer to the human.

The next thing Kaito knew, he was out cold and snoring loudly, suddenly snuggling up to Kaito wasn't such a good idea anymore. It didn't take long for Kokichi to wiggle free from Kaito's hold and now freed Kokichi decided to wander around. Bored seemed to loom just around the corner before Kokichi found one of Kaito's book on astronomy, an idea then came of Kokichi's mind and after rushing to get dressed, he rushed out of the dormitory.


A soft groan came from Kaito as his lilac eyes fluttered open to be met by Kokichi's indigo eyes. "Ah! K-Kokichi?!" Kaito yelped making Kokichi snicker out.

"Morning sleepyhead! Or should I say evening!" Kokichi giggled out as he sits back in Kaito's lap. When Kaito them sat up and saw how dark the room has become, how long as he been out for? "Now come on! I gotta show you something!" Kokichi giggled as he gets to his feet and tugged at Kaito's arm.

"Ok ok! Let me get up at least!" Kaito trained as he got to his feet, stumbling as he did at the sudden spin of his head. Before he could recover, however, Kokichi tugged Kaito towards his room.

"Ok now cover your eyes!" Kokichi smiled innocently.

"What? Why?" Kaito tilted his head to the side as he rubbed the tiredness from his eyes with a free hand.

"Because it wouldn't be a surprise if you don't!" Kokichi pouted and Kaito couldn't help but chuckle softly and closes his eyes.

Kaito could feel Kokichi tug his hand, leading him into his bedroom and when he bumped into the side of his bed, he felt a pair of small hands push him back making him fall against the bed. In his surprise, Kaito opened his eyes only too see his room's roof and walls were decorated with small glow in the dark star stickers.

"Surprise!" Kokichi chirped with a bright smile.

"You did all of this?" Kaito asked as he sat up while his eyes scanned the room noticing all the different constellations that Kokichi had somehow mapped out perfectly.

"Yep! Being a monster of the night you learn the stars pretty quickly, " Kokichi snickered out and saw how Kaito's eyes shimmered with excitement. Kaito then without warning pulled Kokichi into a bear hug, before pointing out the different stars and constellations. Kokichi listened with a soft smile on his face but he could feel his eyes growing heavy.

It took Kaito awhile to noticed that Kokichi had fallen asleep in his arms. It was getting late when Kaito glanced at his clock he saw it was nearly midnight. After tugging the blankets over himself and Kokichi and let sleep overtake him for the night.

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