Finally, Ink!!

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(Author's POV)
           (Y/N) rushed over to Ink giving him a delighted hug. Ink seemed happy to have found her as well. Chess Sans and Paps, well they didn't know what to do. Paps just stared questioning life. 'Why does this person (y/n) call Ink look like Sans? Why haven't I ever seen him before? Who is he? What in the world is going on???? ' Sans on the other hand was thinking things more like 'Ink, so the girl was telling the truth. That's a surprise. '

(Ink's POV)
       (Y/n)! I finally found her! Thank goodness! Everyone's going to be so happy that I found her!

    "(Y/n) I'm so glad I found you! Dream helped point me in the right direction, you're quite easy to find if we use those means. Sans and Frisk are worried to death about you, so is Toriel. I have no idea how you ended up here, but we should really get you back, " I tell (y/n).

     The thought of seeing her friends seemed to excite her at first, but then she looked a bit saddened about something.

   "(Y/n), what's wrong? Everyone's waiting for you, " I ask her concerned.

   "It's just... This au is so different... And there seems to be a lot going on... It would be wrong of me to have found out all that's going on here and not help out. I really want to go back to the others, but if I do that I'd have to live knowing I left them here, without even trying to see if there's a way I could help them... I don't want that... "

    I looked at her surprised. She wants to stay, so she can help them out? I give her a hug, and smile, proud. That's our (y/n)  for us, always going above and beyond what she has to.

    "Alright, I'll tell the others where you're at, but know that I'm going to stop by here about twice a week to make sure you're fine, and if anyone hurts you they're gonna have the wrath of an upset Sans and an upset me to deal with."

     With this (y/n) looks up at me and smiled, tears in her eyes. She looks so happy knowing that she made the right decision.

   "Thanks Ink, I owe you one, " She tells me.

(Sans POV (chesstale Sans))
         I watched their little reunion. She wants to help us? She barely met us, but she feels the need to help us? I didn't know this au was in need of that kind of help, but I guess it makes sense. And it seems I can trust her after all, so maybe I'll cut her some slack.

    Looking at Paps for a second I nod my head, knowing he's wondering if everything is alright with me, and to see if she can stay here.

  "Wowie! Thank you so much (y/n)! Now we can have many more cooking lessons! The Great Papyrus can only learn from the greatest of chefs! Sans says you can stay here too human! This is gonna be loads of fun! Though I don't quite know what you're helping out with... Oh well! " Papyrus tells (y/n) excitedly, scooping her up in a bone crushing hug. I flinch in sympathy for her.

   "It seems everything is settled then, see you later (y/n)! " Ink says randomly dissapearing into a puddle of ink that vanishes shortly after.

   "So kid... Umm, (y/n),  what made you decide to stay?" I ask her, curious. Surely there was more than what she told that Ink guy.

    "Well everything I told Ink of course, but also I want to know you and Paps more, I do have some cooking lessons with him as well, and I mean, yes I do really miss my friends right now, but they're not the ones that need me, " She replies.

    I think on this and smile. Humans. I will never understand them, but this human seems fine. I think I'll enjoy having her around.

      I never expected I'd choose to stay... I hope I didn't choose wrong. I'm sorry Frisk.... Sans.... It seems like I'll have to wait a while to see you guys again.
(Chara's POV)
       Huh, she thinks she can help this timeline? What a waste of time. I can't wait to see her try. I really can't wait to kill her, and Sans too. Once I get rid of her and then they find out Sans was in cahoots with her, then that smiling trash bag is as good as gone. These stupid monsters that trust the other humans. They're as good as dead to me, including mother dear. At least Asriel and Father are on my side. Those two are easy to handle, and so is most of this stupid monster world. Just you wait, (y/n), Sans, you're next on my list.

Authors POV
      Hello everyone! Sorry for the long wait for this chapter, I lost the previous set up I originally had for this chapter and had to recreate it! Thanks for the support everyone! Byes~

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