Angelica (Cult Leader)

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Yep. This had to be made. XD

So basically the story is Angelica created a small group of her own, looking to change Torren, and overthrow Jaern (Basically every cult ever in Insurgence xD), because (of course) she knows what he's really like, but it eventually blossomed into a cult named the Cult of Genesis (name by the person themselves MidnightCoffee :3).
Her plan originally involved only Mew. She had planned to create many clones of Mew to create her own army of Mew clones, however she couldn't accomplish this by herself, henceforth her reaching out to Perfection to help her mutate Mew's DNA into different life forms.
But, she figured out that she had to somehow give them the life to be able to carry out her plan, henceforth her bringing the legendary Pokèmon Xerneas into the equation, where she decided to make many think her cult worshipped only Xerneas to throw them off of their true ambition, kinda like how the Abyssal Cult made everyone think that they worshipped only Kyogre, but they did also bring Lugia into their plan.
Angelica works in cahoots with Reukra and Taen because they are the ones who can tailor the DNA of Mew into different organisms, in which she monitors indirectly. She plans to use the army of Mewtwos and Mewthrees to knock Jaern off of his pedestal and take back "What's rightfully hers", and after that, why not world domination..?

Ideas for her ambitions by @MidnightCoffee64

For this, I felt like I had to give her more of an adult body xD. My wrist hurts, and my eyes hurt from looking at my tablet's screen for 4 flipping hours. I'm going to take a break.


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