New hair design?

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Yeah, I drew this up last night as a Shading Test, but I ended up floofing up Angelica's hair, because it didn't feel like real hair, and I kinda like it.

What do you guys think :O

Also, I've figured out the new Cult of Genesis canon :0

(Spoilers below for The Secret Cult. If you don't want spoilers, don't scroll down, or if you are someone I regularly talk with about the canon or don't care, go ahead.)

The original canon for Genesis was that Angelica wanted power over Torren, and a Mew-related army, and that was basically it.
But now, it's a lot different x)
Genesis still has the canon of creating a Mew-related army, but now they're MUCH worse than they were originally.
Such as Astelle and Christian being much smarter and Angelica being a genocidal maniac.
Genesis's plan now is to take over Torren, get a taste of how it feels to rule over a large land, and then send the entire planet to ruin by killing every living thing on the planet except for themselves and their Mew-based Pokèmon with a genetically engineered Pokèmon that has the ability to harness the powers of Xerneas, Yveltal, and Mewthree, and a few other beasts.
(During their run, they created Mewthree with Perfection's help.)
And I mean killing EVERYTHING.
Well, except for the plant life of course.
Yeah. I suck at explaining stuff, but I tried xD

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