Random Scenes from PMD

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Another older pic I may might redo this in the future. ^^

Anyway, it's just random scenes with the older OCs, like the Fennekin (Alithea, her original name was Kitten, but I changed it xD) about to witness her friend (Calem, the Froakie in this case xD) disappear, Primal Dialga, Darkrai commending Primarina and Delphox for being able to break out of his mind trap, Fogbound Lake with Mudkip Silver, Ralts, Popplio, and Aqua and Celebi, and I guess that empty one o didn't bother to put anything in xD

Actually the main reason I put this up is to sulk a little.
So I've been listening to this song;

And it just screams Angelica (Luka) and Damian (Gumi), and I've been dying to draw a scene to go with the lyrics, but I've been on artist's block for the past few hours Dx
so basically I'm asking you guys to help me out a little xD if you've got any suggestions, feel free to tell me ^^

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