A Dragon?

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Thanks That_one_otaku_ for that comment. It meant a lot knowing you are enjoying my fanfic. And for accepting that deal. Love to see those numbers go up!

Honestly I just wrote this to blow off steam but now it's like whoop there it is! Thanks once more I hope you continue to read.



The Next Day

Natsu's POV

I happily went to (y/n)'s house and she didn't answer.

So we crawled through her window and looked for her.

We checked her room and saw it was pretty clean.

"How can she keep stuff so clean?" I asked.

"She's a freak when it comes to cleaning." Skyler laughed.

"Really how?"

"Pick this up. Put your dish in the sink! Take a bath. Got brush your teeth." She mocked her voice.

"Well it's for the best I guess." Happy stated.

We kept looking and she didn't seem to be there.

"Maybe she was kidnapped again!!"

"No way. I'm sure she would leave a mess to make sure something was wrong if we came in."

"Yeah!" Skyler agreed.

"Well maybe she just went to Fairy Tail."

We left her house after closing her window. I had a smile the whole time we walked.

"Why are you so joyful?" Happy questioned.

"Well. I just found out. That I like (y/n)."

"You're so dense!" They yelled.


"You just figured it out! It's been months! Since you liked her."

"How come you knew!"

"Because you just aren't smart enough to know." Skyler sighed.

We entered Fairy Tail and saw (y/n) talking to Shadow Gear. I wonder how strong she is..


She looked up and tilted her head with confusion.

"Yo Puny! Lets battle." Gajeel barged in.

"No way I was going to ask her first!!"

"Shut up Salamander."

"Nah I don't feel like it." She answered and continued to talk to Levy.

Gajeel slammed his fist on the table which startled Levy.

(y/n) sighed. "You are all such a nuisance." She uttered.

"What kind of battle are you looking for?"


"Okay. Just so I don't waste my time. You and Natsu versus me."


"It's just like fighting Sting and Rogue. Only I'll be the victor." She smirked.

"Yeah right!"

Everyone ran out side and circled us. We were about to fight when we heard a roar.

We looked up and saw a dragon.

"Acnologia.." (y/n) gasped and it landed in the ocean.

Sorry it's so short. Again.. I'll keep saying this. I love leaving you guys at cliffys. It makes you wanna read more right?

Good. At the end of the next chapter. I need your help on answering something. So be prepared.

Thanks for reading vote, follow, comment and share! It would mean a lot. Now lets get to 4000 reads!!



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