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The next morning, Emily awoke and walked downstairs to begin breakfast. She would keep talking to Evelynn to a minimum it would be hard for the both of them but Evelynn had to learn that she couldn't talk to her mother like that, no matter how sad she was. This had only happened once before; when Evelynn was six. Once breakfast was started, Emily went to her room and got dressed for the day.

"Evelynn, time to get up," She said, not sharply but not how she usually would..

Evelynn woke up and nodded walking to her room, tha pang of guilt swept through her body, for her mother not to wake her in French or using a pet name, Evelynn knew she had done wrong. She got ready for school and braided her hair as tears slipped down her cheeks. Evelynn refrained from wearing any makeup that morning, it would only run. She put away her books into her bag and walked downstairs. She placed her bag in the hall and walked into the kitchen where Emily was making coffee.

Emily set a toasted bagel in front of Evelynn with a jar of nutella. It was taking everything out of Emily not to cave and talk to her daughter like nothing happened. She knew Evelynn had been crying and that broke her heart. But Evelynn had to learn.

"Mom? Declan has late practise today so he can't drop me at the BAU, should I get the bus?" Evelynn asked quietly

"No, get on the bus that brings you home,"

Evelynn nodded, they would talk about it at home, where it was away from eyes and private. She quickly ate her breakfast and put on her shoes and jacket so she was ready for Emily. Emily finished her breakfast and grabbed her work boots before grabbing her purse. Evelynn picked up her backpack and they headed out of the door.

Emily drove to Evelynn's school and parked up in their usual spot.

"Have a good day," Emily said

"I love you," Evelynn replied as she opened her door.

"I love you,"

Evelynn grabbed her bag and closed the door, watching Emily drive away. She ran to the music department's bathrooms and locked herself in a toilet. Once there she sat and cried, harder than she had last night. She wanted to be at home with her mother, not in school where she'd get questioned for her lack of makeup and puffy eyes.

Evelynn stayed in the bathroom until the first bell for classes to start rang and made her way to her first class of the day, History. She liked History class, her teacher; Ms. Dawson would always allow her to sit out classes with her if she wasn't feeling great. Evelynn was the first in and Ms. Dawson saw the young girl had been crying.

"Evelynn, what happened?" She asked

"I was mean to my mom last night," Evelynn replied tears falling again.

"Go to the bathroom and clean yourself up, then stay after class and we can talk, you have a free period then?"

Evelynn nodded as gave her a hall pass. Evelynn left the room and returned to the bathroom and splashed her face. She returned to her class and sat down. Ignoring her friends who tried to get her attention. She wanted one thing.

To talk to her mother.

Evelynn did her lesson and stayed behind afterwards. marked the work and sat opposite Evelynn.

"Now, tell me what happened,"

"My adopted parents called me last night saying they had adopted a new baby and they want me to go back to England to meet him, I got jealous and hung up, then blamed my mom for them doing it," Evelynn played with her thumb.

"You said something to her didn't you?"

She looked out the window, "I said maybe if she had stayed away when she gave me up then maybe they wouldn't have adopted again,"

"Now if I know you, you didn't mean it and your mother knows that too,"

"You should have seen the look on her face, I've never seen her look like that," Evelynn wiped her eyes "I want to go home,"

"Go outside for a moment,"

Evelynn walked into the hall and leant on the wall, this gave Ms. Dawson time to call Emily. It took a few rings before Emily answered.

"Prentiss," Emily spoked

"Agent Prentiss, this is Ms. Dawson, I've Evelynn's History teacher,"

"Is she alright?" Emily asked worried

"Physically yes, but she's extreamly tearful, it's not affecting her studies but I think she'd be better off at home, she told me what happened and I understand why she's so upset,"

"I appreciate your concern but she needs to understand that she can't talk to people like that, especially her mother," Emily replied

"I'm sure she's learnt her lesson Agent Prentiss, she's just a little girl who wants her mother to know how sorry she is,"

"She isn't a little girl anymore and people need to stop treating her like she is, she is fifteen years old and to be quite frank I don't appreciate being told how I should and shouldn't punish my child,"

"On the contrary Agent Prentiss, I was merely hoping to help her by asking you just to hear her out," Replied "I know how hard it is to watch your child cry because they said something dumb, she's desperate for you to hear her,"

"I'll be there as soon as I can,"

Emily caved and grabbed her keys before giving JJ the reins of the team. She hurried to the car and drove to Evelynn's school.

Parking outside, Emily locked her car and walked into the main school building where she saw Evelynn hugging her legs on a chair beside her teacher. Noticing Emily's presence, Ms Dawson gently nudged Evelynn who looked up.

Emily approached and knelt in front of her.

"Let's go home," she held out her hand and Evelynn took it.

The pair walked back to the car and Emily stopped. She pulled Evelynn into her arms and held her tight. Evelynn started to cry again.

"I'm sorry mommy,"

Emily kept her close kissing her head "I know baby, but I need you to know that it's not ok to talk to people like that, especially me,"

Evelynn nodded, burying her head in her mother's chest. She smelt like love and safety.

"Please don't make me go back,"

"I was never going to send you back sweetheart, but you should see your brother even if it's just once,"

"But I don't want to, they replaced me,"

"No baby, you will always be their first, but this little one needs them too, you had a happy childhood, doesn't he deserve one too?"

Evelynn nodded.

"I know it's hard going from and only child to a big sister over night but I promise you, they will always have a big place for you in their hearts, you're their little girl, as you are mine,"

"I didn't mean to hurt you," Evelynn looked at her

Emily wiped the tears from Evelynn's face "I know that, you weren't thinking, I've done it myself, now lecture over, let's go home,"

"What about work?"

"It's just paperwork, I can do it at home,"

The two got in the car and Emily drove home.

Evelynn Reynolds DISCONTINUEDWhere stories live. Discover now