Mum is Missing!?

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{Little Carly's POV}

  Little Kelly and I dash downstairs. We arrive in the throne room, and see dad. Raven runs up beside us.

"Dad! What is it?" I ask him. He looks at me and Kelly with a worried look on his face.

"Your mother, Sophie, has gone missing. She's nowhere in the castle, and she would have told me if she went shopping," he tells us. Little Kelly gasps. I stare at her. We look at Raven and he's staring at Little Kelly.

"Mum? I can't believe it! Missing?" Little Kelly says on the verge of tears.

"I know," I whisper. "Dad, we'll find her. I promise!"

"Good girls. Go and find her. I'll send everyone I can," dad tells us. We race out of the castle, including Raven. We head to the mall first.

"Okay, if mum's anywhere, it's gotta be the mall!" Little Kelly says.

"I'm sorry, girls," Raven whispers. We look at him.

"Raven, it's not your fault. Just help us find her," I say to him. The least Raven could do for us is help, and not keep talking! We walk in the mall and look around. McDonalds, the clothes store, everywhere.... Mum was nowhere to be seen. Tears well up in Little Kelly's eyes. Raven looks at her, the feeling 'sorry' clearly shown on his face. He pats her hair and Little Kelly looks at him. She grins, still teary-eyed.
Something very odd is happening I think. We finally climb up to the third floor of the mall and stare down to the ground floor.

"M-m-mum was a-always there for m-me," she choked. "I-I want t-to be there f-for her n-now. I love her."

"I love her too, Little Kelly. Please stop crying," I whisper. Raven nods.

"Yeah, please stop crying, Little Kelly. Your mum wouldn't like to see you cry," Raven tells her. Little Kelly nods weakly.

"You're right. You both are right. I-I'll try to stop crying," Kelly says. She blinks a few times and wipe the tears from her eyes.

"Hey, is that her?" Raven says, pointing to the ground floor. Little Kelly and I turn towards him and stare where he's pointing.

"Where?" Little Kelly says excitedly.

"There! At the entrance. Leaving. I think it's her, I don't really know her," Raven mutters. I look closer and I see a person with a green dress leaving the store with a big suitcase.

"That's her! Quick!" I yell. We stumble down the stairs and race to the front entrance.

"Where'd she go?" Little Kelly says, looking around the parking lot frantically. "Oh wait! She's there! Getting into that taxi!" I look over at Little Kelly and she's pointing to a taxi in the corner of the parking lot. We run as fast ad we can to the taxi.

"Mum! Mum!" I shout.

"Mum! Come back!" Little Kelly screams.

"Sophie! Sophie! Oh no.... She's driving away!" Raven yells. I turn to Raven's blue car parked a few cars away. Little Kelly dashes to it. Raven runs after us.

"Raven! Drive us there in your blue car! It's your car, so we can't drive it!" Little Kelly yells.

"It's name is Shelby!" Raven yells back and he hops into the drivers' seat. We hop into the back.

"It has a name?! Wow, you sure do love this car, don't you?" I laugh. Little Kelly grins.

"Yeah, so? I'll li-" Raven starts but Little Kelly interrupts him.

"Drive! She's getting away!!" Raven drives out of the parking lot.

"Let's go find mum!" I yell.


Thanks so much for reading this far! I didn't think anyone would notice this story and read it! You're amazing!😉💛💙

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