A Step-Sister

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  I watch in shock as Little Kelly dashes out of the room, crying. The doctor stares out of the room. I look at Raven, who has shock printed onto his face. I pick up the sheet of paper Little Kelly dropped, thinking that it couldn't be that bad. It's worse than I imagined.




  My heart sinks. Father.... Unknown? That means we're... step-sisters. We don't have the same father! I glance at Raven then at the door. Making my mind up in two seconds, I thrust the paper into Raven's hand, and dash out of the door. I look back once, and see Raven close on my heels, eyes glued to the paper as though mesmerised.

"Read it, Raven?" I whisper, turning my head back to the front to see where Little Kelly had gone.

"Yep. That's... crazy," he replies. I stop so suddenly that Raven has to dive to the side to avoid crashing into me, but fails and collides with a wall. I look around. I swear I heard soft crying. I look around the corner and see a crying Little Kelly. Her face is buried into her hands, and she was sitting against the wall. She looks up at Raven and I.

"Little Carly... Raven... Why-why did you follow me?" she asks weakly.

"You're my sister. Of course I followed you," I say to her. She shakes her head.

"Sister? Step-sister you mean..." tears return to Little Kelly's eyes.

"Hey. Little Kelly," Raven whispers. "We aren't related at all! Can you believe that?"

  Little Kelly blinks. Her cheeks go red and she bows her head down.

"No... Hehehehe..." she laughs nervously. Weird.

"Little Kelly, are you ok? You're acting super strange all of a sudden," I ask.

"I'm fine... Heheheh..." That nervous laugh again! She stands up. "Let's get out of here."

  We exit the hospital and go home. The way Little Kelly acted was super strange. And it happened after she realised she and Raven weren't related. Maybe....

《1 hour later》

    I walk up to Little Kelly's room. I want to know why she behaved like that earlier. I enter her room and see her, sitting on her sofa, her laptop on her lap.

"Little Kelly!" I yell. She turns around in surprise, nearly dropping her laptop.

"Carly!" she says in shock. "Phew! You scared me!"

  I sit down next to her, and look straight into her eyes.

"Little Kelly, I want to know why you acted so strange in the hospital. Please," I add, because she looked at me with a raised eyebrow.


"Oh please, Little Kelly. I have a right to know, as your step-sister," I plead. She sighs.

"Fine," she sits up. "Promise not to tell Raven?"

"I promise!"

"Okay..." she takes a deep breath. "I like Raven. More than... friends."

"Oooooooh!!" I ooh. "You fancy Raven?"


"Wow. Don't worry your secret's safe with me. Only... if you tell me more!" I say.

"What is there to tell you? I like hime more than I liked... Jay... or Donny," she says.

"More than Donny!? Wow. That means you looove Raven!" I squeal.



"He's just... I don't know why I like him. He's just... better," Kelly says slowly.

"Thanks for telling me, Little Kelly. I won't tell anyone. Promise," I tell her.

"Thanks. You know how I'm your step-sister?"


"I don't know when or how to tell dad. Or King Tom even. He'll flip!" she cries. I wrap my arms around her.

"Don't worry about that. I'll tell mum, don't worry. I wonder who your real dad is..." I tell her.

"Yeah. Maybe mum knows? We shouldn't question her now though. She's probably devastated about da- King Tom," she says.

"I agree," I whisper, still hugging her. I love my step-sister. Even more than a full-sister.

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