Little Carly's Boyfriend

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{Little Kelly's POV}

  I stare at the ceiling of my room, wondering what mum's up to. She had gone on a holiday to get a  break from all this ridiculous drama. I can't blame her. Maybe I should see Little Carly I think. I stroll across to her room, across the bridge. I peer into her room, and see her with the new prince of that new kingdom that moved in a few weeks ago. Little Leo.

"Hi Little Carly! Hi Little Leo!" I say cheerfully as I walk into the room. They turn towards me in surprise.

"Oh! Little Kelly! Hi!" Little Leo splutters. He turns to Little Carly. "I'd better get going, I'll see you tomorrow." Little Leo leaves the room, smiling.

"Ooh! New boyfriend?" I tease. Little Carly glares at me.

"Know how to knock?" she snaps. I'm taken aback. It's not my fault he left!

"What are you angry at me for? It's not my fault Leo left! I only came in to check on you," I argue. Little Carly takes a deep breath.

"I'm sorry, Little Kelly. I'm just scared that dad might find out I'm dating Leo. He hates King Augustus!" Little Carly sighs, a few tears well up in her eyes.

"I won't tell anyone. Sister to sister secret!" I promise.

"Thank you Little Kelly! I'm so glad to have a sister like you. I don't know what I'd do without you," Little Carly smiles. We decide to head down for breakfast. It was only 10 o'clock anyway. The drama yesterday had been enough. No more drama today! Just a simple breakfast and...

"Oh! It's Raven!" Little Carly says in a hushed tone. She pulls me back from the kitchen doorway. Raven is just sitting there, eating a bacon sandwich. And cookies.

"It looks like he's having breakfast," I whisper back. "Why are we whispering? Why can't I go in?"

"Is that our cookies he's eating!? The ones we baked yesterday? The ones we told him not to touch!? That boy! Oh, I never liked him!" Little Carly says roughly, her voice gradually getting louder. She storms in the kitchen and I follow, scared for Raven's life.

"Hi Little Kelly! Hi Little Carly! What's up?" Raven says.

"Hi Raven!" I smile nervously. I want to warn him about the danger Carly is to him right now.

"Oh, hi, Raven. Thought you'd eat some of our cookies, did you?" Little Carly says in a dangerous tone. I share a worried look with Raven. Little Carly shakes her head.

"I can't believe you! First sneaking around my room, placing things where they don't belong and now-"

"Sneaking around your room? Placing things everywhere? I never did that! I only ate a few cookies!"

"A few cookies! Ha! You'll see Raven! I'll batter you-!" Little Carly advances towards Raven, who readies himself. I grab Little Carly's arm.

"No! Little Carly! You can't hit him! His face is too cute! I-I-I mean-!" I stammer. Little Carly doesn't look angry anymore and turns to looks at me and 'oooh!'s and Raven stares at me, surprised. "N-No! I-I-I-! No! Just don't hit him! I-I meant to say... creep!" Little Carly raises an eyebrow and smirks at me. I blush bright red. Raven is cute... But he's my bro! I can't date him!

"I've- I've gotta go!" I grab Little Carly's arm and drag her away from the kitchen, before I can embarrass myself further. That cannot be heard of again!

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