Blood Test Shock

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  I sit next to dad in the hospital, crying. How could this happen? I was in the room when he collapsed. Little Carly is sitting next to me, cuddling me. Raven is also next to me, not cuddling me, but looking at me in a strange way.

"I wonder what happened to him? Why did he just suddenly collapse like that?" Little Carly wonders.

"I dunno! It's a mystery," Raven whispers. I let the tears well up in my eyes.

"Little Kelly, are you okay?" Little Carly asks me. I nod.

"Yeah... I'm- It's just so shocking. Everything... All the drama... Ugh!" I whine, shaking my head in disbelief.

"I know Little Kelly! It's crazy!" Raven laughs nervously. I nod weakly. Why did this have to happen to our dad, our family and our castle. Why did it have to happen to us out of all people.

"I wish... I wish this drama could just all end. Poor dad..." I whisper, turning to look at dad. "He didn't ask for this."

"It's so sad. Why did it have to happen to us?" Little Carly whispers. We continue chatting about sad stuff, when the doctor came into the room.

"Little Kelly and Little Carly. Raven. Hello," the doctor says. "Your father, King Tom, needs a kidney transplant. You need to take a blood test to see if you are a match, shall we get started?" The doctor beckons for us to follow him, without waiting for an answer. We follow him and reach a room. There are tables at the side of the room, covered with needles. I feel Raven shudder next to me. What's wrong with him? Is he scared of needles?

"Who's first?" The doctor asks, scanning us with his eyes. I shrug and walk forwards.

"Ahh! Little Kelly. You'll only feel a little pinch," he says as he pricks my arm with the needle. He draws the blood and I walk back to Raven.

"I'm next I guess," Little Carly whispers. She walks up to the doctor and 5 seconds later, retreats.

"Raven, you next," the doctor says. Raven stays rooted to the spot.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I ask.

"Ummm... Well.... I'm a bit.... Afraid of needles..." he pauses between every 2 words or so.  Wow! The 'tough' boy is afraid of needles!

"I'll hold your hand if you want," I say. Why did I just ask that!? What is wrong with me?

"Thanks.... Little Kelly," Raven says, holding my hand. I watch him get the needle in slight surprise. Wow. He let me hold his hand. He is kinda cute.

"Done. Now, please wait here while I get the results. It will only take an hour," the doctor says as he leaves the room. I nod. We sit down.

  We are talking about nothing in particular when the doctor walks in. He is holding 3 sheets of paper. As he sits down at his desk, we rush up to him. He looks at us, quite alert and serious.

"Doctor! Any news?" Little Carly asks desperately.

"Yes. One of you can donate a kidney to King Tom. And that is... you, Raven," the doctor nods towards Raven. "The question is if you want to do it."

"I-I'll do it..." he says shortly. I look at him in mild surprise.

"Good job, Raven. Now, on another very serious matter..." the doctor looks straight into my eyes as he talks. "There has been a... a small problem with the DNA results. I will hand you 3 pieces of paper. Please read it, and remain calm."

  He gives me, Carly and Raven a piece of paper each. I peek at Little Carly's.




  Then I peek at Raven's.




  Only then I look at mine.




  I'm speechless. I drop my sheet of paper in shock. I look at the doctor.

"You- you're joking right?" I stammer.

"It's true, I'm so sorry Little Kel-"

"You're sorry!? You're sorry!? MY WHOLE LIFE HAS BEEN A HUGE LIE!!!" I scream, tears welling up in my eyes. Blinking furiously, I storm out of the room.

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