Raven's Secret

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  I can't believe it. I'm a step-sister. To the person I thought was my full sister for most of my life.

  I sit on a sofa in Raven's room, listening to him talk about Shelby. Even though it's a bit boring, I listen, not wanting to be rude. I decide to interrupt him.

"Maybe we should go visit King Tom?" I ask. He looks at me, a teensy bit surprised, then fidgets with his hat. Every time. Every time I mention King Tom (or his dad) he goes super weird. Or strange.

"Raven? Are you alright?" I ask him, nervously.

"Y-Yeah... Nothing's wrong. Let's go visit dad..." he says super anxiously.

"Okay... I'll go get Carly... Don't run away, okay?" I say. I leave the room, and head to Little Carly's. I know sonething's up with Raven. Why won't he tell me? I arrive at Carly's room.

"Little Carly! Are you in?" I yell.

"I am Little Kelly! Just here!" comes a reply. I walk in and see her sitting on the sofa. I sit down next to her.

"Raven and I are going to visit dad. Want to come?" I ask her.

"Yeah, ok," Little Carly answers.

"Have you noticed that... Whenever we mention King Tom, Raven goes... weird?" I ask her as we walk up the steps.

"Yeah... Strange... Isn't it? Let's try get an answer out of him today!"

"Yeah!" We arrive at Raven's room, and see him sitting on his bed, still fidgeting with his hat.

"Raven! We're ready to go! Come on!" Little Carly says. Raven turns around.

"Ok..." He says. He walks up to us and we walk down the steps to the garage.

  Something is definitely up with him.

  We drive to the hospital in Shelby. We enter to visit dad.

"Poor dad," I whisper as we sit next to him. "Mum and Ramona visited earlier today, I think."

"At least Ramona cares then," Little Carly says with a note of disgust in her voice. I look at Raven, who is staring right at King Tom. I suddenly realise he hasn't said anything since we left the castle.

"Raven, what's wrong?" I ask him politely.

"Nothing," he whispers, shaking his head slightly.

"Raven, you haven't been acting like yourself lately. Please, just tell us," Little Carly tells him. He shakes his head again.


"Raven, I know something is up. There's no point hiding it. What's wrong?" I tell him.

"Okay. Yes, something's wrong," he says.

"Is it something about King Tom? Do you-" I gasp. " Do you know who did this to him?" Raven nods.

"Who? Raven, who?" Little Carly asks. He shakes his head.

"Raven. I know what you're feeling. Guilt and worry. You're scared aren't you? Telling us will take the weight off your shoulders. I promise," I whisper to him carefully.

"Okay. If it will take the weight off my shoulders, okay. It was... It was..." he sighs. We look at him.

"It was... Ramona."

"Ramona?! I had a feeling-! Ohhh! That evil witch! I-" Little Carly burst out.

"Little Carly, calm down," I say. I turn to Raven. "After you give King Tom your kidney you have have to tell him."

"No! I can't!" Raven says. He was starting to sound and act a bit more like himself.

"Why not?" I ask him.

"My mam would slaughter me!" he says.

"Raven, please! Look what she did to dad... Our dad. Please,"Little Carly pleads. Raven looks at Carly, then dad. Then me, then dad. He seems to have made up his mind, because he took a deep breath.

"Alright, I'll tell dad," he says quietly.

"Yes!" Little Carly and I cheer.

"But one thing!" Raven says. We look at him.

"What's the thing?" Little Carly asks, anxiously.

"If I tell dad, Little Kelly has to go an a date with me!" Raven says confidently. I look up, shocked at Raven. Did he just... Ask me out in a strange way? I look at Little Carly, who's equally as shocked.

"A date... with.... me?" I gasp.

"I understand if you don't want to go... just-"

"No, wait! Raven..." I say. "Do you actually like me?" Raven hesitates.

"Well... I do... like you..." He says. I feel my cheeks get redder and redder.

"Little Kelly, you're blushing so much you're turning the same colour as Leo's hair!" Little Carly laughs.

"Raven... I..." I can't get the word out! I do actually like Raven a bit. In a special way. "I'll go an a date with you. After you tell King Tom!" He looks at me surprised.

"Ok... I'll tell dad then..." Raven says, smiling. He seems happier now.


Thanks SOOO much for reading! I never thought anyone would read this. You're a very amazing person.

  From me,

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