To The Airport!

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{Raven's POV}

  How is she so pretty? As I drive after Sophie ( Little Kelly and Carly's mum) I can't stop thinking about her. The prettiest girl I've ever seen. The adventurous, fun and kind Little Kelly. If she wasn't my sister, I would date her. If only she wasn't my sister... Hey! A boy can dream ya know!

"I wonder where she's going?" Little Carly wonders aloud. Little Carly. She's alright. Not as kind as Little Kelly, and not as pretty. And she's not very princess-y.

"I recognise this road..." Little Kelly says. "Isn't it the road to the airport?"

"Oh my gosh! So it is, Little Kelly!" Little Carly gasps.

"Why would she go to the airport, though?" I ask. It all seems very confusing.

"I don't know... Unless she's planning on leaving? Running away maybe?" Little Carly yells, slowly getting panickier.

"Let's not just... jump to conclusions! Mum could be meeting someone. Or... maybe just... Having a nice day out?" Little Kelly tries to say in a normal voice.

"A nice day out to the airport? Mum wouldn't do that. She would tell us," Little Carly whispers. I drive the car into the parking lot of the airport, watching Sophie as she rushes to get her things out pf the taxi. I park the car.

"Out! Quick! Follow her!" I yell. We dash up to Sophie.

"Mum! Mum!" Little Kelly screams. Sophie turns to us.

"Oh! Little Kelly! Little Carly! R-Raven!" she shudders when she says my name. "Why are you here?"

"We came to look for you! We were worried. And why did you shudder when you said Raven's name. He's not evil like Ramona you know!" Little Kelly says.

"Girls... I'm sorry Raven... It's not your fault... I'm just so angry at Tom... I just wanted to get away from it all... That's why I wanted to go on holiday for a few days. Relax..." Sophie says.

"I understand, mum. You go ahead. We'll always be there for you, no matter what," Little Carly says. Little Kelly nods.

"Thank you, girls. I really do have the best daughters a mum could have. I'll see you in a few days. Oh, and Raven," Sophie turns to me. "I am so sorry. Nothing is your fault. But just let me tell you. Your mother, Ramona, is an evil witch. If my daughters tell you what she did to them you will be quite surprised." I stare at her. How dare she. Ramona is my mother, yes, I know she's evil. But I still love her.

"Bye mum, see you in a few days!" Little Kelly waves goodbye and we head back to the car.


You. Are. Brilliant my friend! Thank you for making it this far in my story. You're amazing! If you have a story please comment it and I'll be sure to check it out! I might make a book on stories you guys have made, and I'll write bit of a chapter and it's genre. I hope you all comment, you amazing people!😉💜

Thanks from,

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