Seating and vows?

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Chapter 6

Madison's P.O.V

Everyone had to meet at my house for the wedding arrangements like seating and the wedding court stuff. I made breakfast and then went to go get dressed.

Madison's outfit:

Pink sweater

Gray boots

Gray scarf

Black jeans

Pink bracelet

Nash and his family was first to come. Then Tim and Carson. We had to eat first. After we ate, we thought of the seating.

"Martin's family on one side, mine on the other. Family in the front and friends in the back. We can let My mom and dad sit in the front along with Elizabeth's parents and Martin's." Mom says

"That's good but what about the school's faculty?" I asked

"They will be on Martin's side."She said

"I hired some people that will meet us at the hotel next week." says Elizabeth

"Okay, I want my horses!" Skylynn says

"Here you go, Sky!" Hayes says giving her the horses.

"Anyway, I have to put our mom's together. So they can sit next to each other."

"Okay we got that settled now are the vows." mom says

"Mom Martin is right here." I said

"Its okay my vows are gonna. blow her out of the water." Martin says

"Oh really wanna bet. who ever vows Madison cries on first will get to cut the cake." mom says as they shake on it.

"Really?" I say

"Yeah now go pack for the hotel."

I go pack and go get my toiletries. Clothes, check. Sweaters, check. Jackets, check. Toiletries, check. Hair stuff, check. Make up bag, check. Jewelry, check. Mom's gift, check.

I put my bags in the car. We don't leave till tomorrow but mom likes me to be ready. We are going to a hotel call the Embassy suites. I never been but they said it's really nice.

Nash, Hayes, and I went downstairs to play bowling on the Wii. Hayes threw the controller down when he was bowling. I eventually won with 5 strikes and the rest were spares.

"Hey guys come upstairs really quickly." Mom says

"Yep do you need us?" Nash asked

"Yeah can you go to the store and choose the bride and groom decorations?" Mom says

We were driving to the store with Hayes in the back. We sang and dance to Selena Gomez ' birthday' song. Hayes messed up the song a lot of times.

We reached the store and I saw the best one. It was the groom with a book and the bride holding a picture of her family.  it really shows them. It had a heart behind them. It was perfect.

We brought them took it to Tina, the cake decorator. She wouldn't let us see the cake though. We went to go get Wendy's.

We came home to see Elizabeth and Mom singing karaoke. Wow. Just Wow. My mom is too much. Mom wanted us to go to sleep early so that we can be ready to go to the hotel tomorrow. Nash and Hayes were gonna stay with Martin and Cindy was coming with us. I don't know why. I guess her mom wanted her to go but she's not apart of the wedding party. Mom thought it was great she said we can bond a bit more than we did before. All I know that if she gets smart gonna we have a problem.

I went to sleep next to Nash and Hayes. They both slept on one side of me which was horrible because I was squished in between them. I couldn't really go to sleep so I texted Paris.

Me: Hey r u still upp

Pari$ yep I can seem to think why Cameron broke up with me

Me he what

Pari$ yeah he said he couldn't deal with my memory being jacked up

Me that's so rude trust me I'll straighten him

Pari$ yep okay bye

Me bye

I was mad at Cameron so I went him a text:

Me  Did you really break up with her

Cammers Yeah she's just so lost

Me yeah she is she just lost her memory

Cammers idk I'm happy now well not as happy as I was before the accident

Me see if you were to stay with her maybe you could see that she is gonna get her memory back

Cammers whatever idk if anything will be the same anymore.

Me yeah you got that right she's not gonna date a jerk like you anymore. She's not gonna forget that you dumped her Cameron bye

I was up most of the night just thinking about what happened. Cameron isn't normally like this so what's going on?

I just couldn't sleep. I went downstairs so I can get some water. I couldn't go to sleep. I went back to my room only to see them all over it. I went to mom's room instead. She was by herself so I hopped in with her.

***************In the morning

I woke up to see my mom not there. I went downstairs and got ready to go pick up Cindy.

Madison's outfit:

Jean shorts

Striped crop top

Flip flops


Best friend necklace

Jean jacket

I knew where she lived because me and Nash was gonna tp her house. She came out with three or four bags. Did she realize that we are only there for 2 days? I mean she had 4 bags. I thought I packed a lot.

"Hey Mads!" she said giving me air kisses

"Hey Cindy! Do you need help?" I said grabbing two of her bags.

"Thanks and also we need to talk!" she said

Once we got in my car she turned off the radio and rolled up her window.

"Hey I just want to apologize for being mean to you. I mean we were friends since 2nd grade. I feel horrible for being mean to  you." She says sincerely

"Yeah it's okay!" I said

We turned back on the radio and started jamming to some one direction. 

We got home and we went to go to the movies together. When we got there it was Mom, Elizabeth, Skylynn, Hayes Me Nash Cindy. I felt like a third wheel with Nash and Cindy, so I hung out with Hayes. We went to see Fault in our stars. I cried and I Sven saw Hayes crying.

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