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       Nolan's Grandmother put down the now empty carton of orange juice onto the side table beside her old rocking chair and looked around the kitchen, then at him, shaking her head. "You missed something."
      "I know, the eggs, I'm sorry, I'll go get them right now!" Nolan hastily turned around praying that grandma doesn't say anything else. But just as lady luck would have it, she does.
       "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Nolan, what would your mother say if she saw you being so irresponsible?"
       Nolan freezes in anger and spun around.  Whenever Grandmother threw his mother's name around like it was nothing it snapped something in him. Usually, he could deal with the broken, cold feeling, but today it made him pissed
       "Hey! Are you pretending it doesn't affect you?? Or are you just that  COLD HEARTED?" He yelled at her, making her blink a few times.
        "Young man, that is no way to talk to your elders,"  she said calmly but reached for the paddle.
         'What a great way to start off the day.' Nolan thought grumpily.
         "Sydney would never want you to be this way... so angsty and hormonal you can't control anything you do. Tsk." Grandmother continued, almost to herself.
          "UUUGH!!!" Nolan ripped the paddle out from her hands, not thinking, and holding both ends he snapped it in half (almost) effortlessly.  The torn ends were thrown down at Grandmother's feet, sending small, sharp, splinters shooting across the tile.
          "Hm, " she said, seemingly unfazed. Glancing at the wood she stood up, the chair creaking under the loss of her weight, not shaking even the tiniest bit. She leaned down and gingerly pinched one end of the paddle,  the side with the most jagged sections, with her thumb and first finger. She held it up at an arm's length with one hand. Then pulled it closer any thoroughly examined it.
          Nervously Nolan took a step back. Grandmother didn't notice. Another step, and still no response. Then another.  

She turned around.

          Grandmother eyes him then grabbed his left arm. In grandmother's hands, there's the half - paddle and Nolan's arm. Nolans' brain desperately tried to register what she's doing. and what she's going to do with him. There's a wild gleam in Grandmother's eye. It's so... off-putting that it sends cold sweat immediately down Nolan's back.
         Nolan finally figures out what she's going to do a second too late.

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