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      This odor wafted into the small cave of the pack that Amber and her wolf siblings were sleeping in. It stung, it was almost unbearable, so much so that the wolf-girl arose and winced at the vicious new smell

The smell was new; different. There was sweat, meat (the harsh, fighting smell of cow), and blood a lot of blood. It was strange something about the scent threw her back to years and years ago. It was a remembrance of the world she had tried to run from.

     Quickly she shook Shabbat awake, being careful as to not wake up the little sisters that adored their beauty sleep, and led him to the smell. The whole way he was whimpering and pawing the ground. Either he didn't like the scent or he was still tired, then again it was almost dawn so it made a little sense. 

A long and expansive path widened out in front of the two, the edge of the caves, but not quite the edge of the territory, for that expanded for miles to come. The trees bent and whipped around in the weather, the cold sent shivers up and down her arms. It kind of haunted her for what she might find. The silence was just as fearful. 

Slowly the scent grew and grew and grew till they were nearly upon the creature. Shabbat started yipping and running in circles with his tail between his hind legs. The yips grew into barks. And the barks grew into long and spine shivering howls.

      It was slouching underneath a tall, freshly green,  willow tree. The petty scene was destroyed by the creature it's self.  It's soft brown hair was mangled at dirty, is clothes were torn open leaving marks across his skin, and worst of it was his left arm. It was bloody and oozing liquid, the skin around the cut was yellowed and peeling up at the edges.
       The cut was infected.  Amber grinned happily, though she knew she shouldn't because the thing was hurt but this thing looked a lot like she did. He had arms and legs and a face. Then it moved. 
       Quickly and quietly Amber motioned to Shabbat to go get the rest of the pack and bring some medicine. He left without another turn, he had been waiting to leave ever since they started this excursion. And she kept studying the new comer that stumbled to her.

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