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         He hung his head and growled, "Family." He said, his eyes no longer bright and happy but shadowed with pure hate. Out of habit, I reached a hand down to my knife, who knew what could happen, "Continue."

         He glanced at me under his mop of hair, "You understand what I'm going through," he observed everything with absolute content. 

"You could say that."

          Closing his eyes slowly he nodded and held out his hand; at first, I thought he wanted me to hold his perfectly shaped hand but then realized it was angled to one side of my hips, the one with the knife. The same knife that had kept me alive all these years. Disapprovingly I took a long step back.

          Nolan gave me an earnest smile and gave me one dangerous promise-

"I won't hurt you,"

"Give me one good reason why I should trust you one bit." There was more despise in my voice  than I wanted there to be. It kind of shocked me and almost willed me to turn and run out of the cave in embarrassment.

          A look of pure anxiety crossed his face and he lifted his head to meet my eyes,  "There isn't one, really."

           I kinda felt bad and took a tiny step to him and crouched down. My head was now even with his. "I'm sorry, but if you want me to trust you then I need proof that you aren't going to stab me in the back."

            All I saw was a curt nod and he rolled back onto the bed, his back facing me, obviously annoyed and mad that I didn't trust him immediately.

I inched closer again, and raised my hand a little, wanting to rub his shoulder and say sorry. But it was going to be just too awkward so my hand was left hovering above his arm. Lowering my arm I sat down quietly and stared at him, contemplating what his response of 'family' truly meant.

             I felt weird like I was a stressed mother trying to get through to a pouting five-year-old. And I was betting  that it was weird for him too, this forest girl just staring at him silently. Shaking my head I stood up and sighed, this splitting headache was suddenly showing itself and killing me;  I cast one glance towards his back again and left.

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