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             The sun rose and set four times, and Nolan still hadn't talked to me, let alone come out of that dreary medicine cave. The longer he stayed in there the more I was about to give up and release him back into the wild unknown. It annoyed me how he just thought that he could walk in, demand services, then treat us like nothing.

             I was already plotting a way to get the wolves to kick him out, and the time was coming so fast that it was almost too unbelievable to even begin to accept. The plan was almost genius, that is for a girl that only want to school for three years. I just hoped that he didn't take it the wrong way.

           It being a cold and windy fall day, I shivered and my thoughts once again carried to Nolan and the fact that he must be freezing, and hungry, then remembered that I didn't care. 

           Even so, I gave one more glance back at my siblings; which I had neglected ever since Nolan came rampaging onto our land, and turned to enter the dreaded cave once again. Knowing that it would be my last and certainly his.

 "Look I don't know what you want from me, but just leave," His bitter tone reached me almost instantly and I forced myself to gather my strength and took another step, "Are you deaf?"

Another step.

"Last time I'm telling you this, Flea Ridden, get out." honestly he didn't mean it, she didn't think, it actually hurt him to talk to her like this. he was mostly trying to play hard to get, obviously he was going about this all wrong.

He had never really had such a major crush on any girl before, even on the pretty ones in town that were always flouncing around him like puppies. It was stressful having them swoon and whimper around him and gaze longingly at his biceps. Well, not just stressful, disgusting more like.

             Amber's heart felt like it had been driven through with a knife. She liked this guy; a lot, but the way he was treating her only family was just unacceptable. 

"News flash jerk, my territory, the packs land, the heart of the forest, not yours. Back off of how you treat us or just leave," I glared into his back, "Choose."

Nolan's mind wrenched and twisted, he hadn't wanted this outcome, he just wanted her to like him, not want him to leave.

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