Saved Me

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I love waking up in the morning, you probably thinking I am crazy. Well, I am not it just that every morning I have a great reason to wake up. I have my dream job which is been The CEO of Seventeen Magazine. I love my job not because of the money but because I love meeting new people and traveling new places. OH MY GOD! I am so rude I forgot to introduce myself my name is Sara Diana Shawn. I am 23 years old, I am single, I have a supportive family and an amazing best friends. Me and Carrie been best friend since Pre School we basically do everything together; she is a model for seventeen magazine.

Right now I am getting ready for work. I wore a brown dress with white dot a light pink vest on top and a pink and brown shoes than I accessories with light pink and brown. I glare at the clock it 7:30 am dang I am late, I quickly ran downstairs with my heels in my hand. I open my blue jaguar and put my bag on the sit next to mine that when I realize I forgot my cell phone in my room. I quickly ran upstairs to go get it. By the time I got in my car it was 7:40 am I had a meeting that started at 8 am. I am not going to make it on time I need someone to start for me. I took my phone and call my assistant Samie.

*Ring* *Ring*

-“Hello this is Samie---“I caught her off

- “Sam it me Sara is the people from Vogue here yet”

-“Yes Ms.Sara they arrived 3 minutes ago”

-“For the million thousand times don’t call me Ms.Sara but anyway l need you to cover up for me at the meeting I am running a little late”

-“But Ms.Sara I mean Sara I don’t know nothing about the meeting”

-“Jus show them pictures of the models they trying to get”

-“okay Sara, but where are they?”

-“The first draw in the blue cabinet”

-“okay anything else”

-“Can you tell Sebastian to get me some coffee the usual”

-“okay Sara see you in a few:” and she hung up

Right now I am stuck in tragic. One the most important day of my career I am stuck in traffic, can this day get any worse? I took a look at the clock it 8:10 am. Finally the cars started moving again; I made it there at 8:15 am. I quickly got out the car and put my shoes in I ran at the entrance. I saw Sebastian running up to me with my coffee.

-“Ms.Sara here’s your coffee and the meeting is on the 2nd floor “he said while running with me.

-“Thank you sebs” I said taking the coffee and gave him my bag and ran to the elevator. I swear that elevator was slower than ever I took that time to drink some of my coffee finally I hear that ding. I ran in the meeting room.

-“Sorry I am late I got stuck in traffic “I said looking around

-“It okay Ms. Shawn this young lady convinced us we will take all 6 models for $75 million dollars so do we have a deal” said the lady who I thought wasAnna Wintour. “

-“Yes Mrs.Wintour we have a deal just sigh right here” I said taking the files from Sam. I looked behind her and saw it was Grace Coddington she the reason why I am where I am today she is my role model. I tried to keep it professional when I saw her.  Mrs. Wintour sigh the paper and left.

-“OH MY GOD SAM YOU DID IT “I yelled and squeak at the same time  

-“I can’t believe it all I did was show the pictures and say stuff similar to what you saying at your meetings” She said happy and confuse at the same time.

-“I own you for saving my butt out there, let me take you to lunch”

-“No Ms.Sara I have a lot of work to take care of you go without me” she said walking to her desk

-“No I insist I am your boss and I command you to stop working “I said smiling and sitting on her desk

-“Okay I will, have I ever told you that you a weird boss “

-“Only like a million time” I said laughing and walking in to my office to grab my bag

-“Hey Sam is it okay for Carrie can join us” I said while locking my office door

-“It alright with me”

-To CareBear



A few second later my phone vibrates

-From CareBear



-“She said she be there in a few” I said while walking into Fridays it wasn’t far from my office

A losing BattleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang